Define morphisms and arrows to construct an equalizer diagram.


How would I define the parallel pair of morphisms and monomorphism from $Nat(F,G)$ to $\prod_{j\in ObJ}\textbf{C}(Fj,Gj)$ in this problem?

Show that for any small category J, any locally small category $\textbf{C}$, and any parallel pair of functors $F,G:J\to \textbf{C}$, there is an equalizer diagram

$$Nat(F,G)\rightarrowtail\prod_{j\in ObJ}\textbf{C}(Fj,Gj)\rightrightarrows \prod_{f:j\to j'\in mor J}\textbf{C}(Fj,Gj').$$

Best Answer

Let rewrite the indicies in the diagram you gave : $$ \prod_{k \in Ob(J)}\mathbf{C}(Fk,Gk)\rightrightarrows\prod_{f:i\to j}\mathbf{C}(Fi,Gj). $$

By universal property, a map into a product is fully described by the maps to it's components.

Let $f:i\to j$ a morphism in $\mathbf C$.

The $f$-component of the first map is given by the composition : $$ \prod_{k} \mathbf{C}(Fk,Gk) \to \mathbf{C}(Fi,Gi)\to \mathbf{C}(Fi,Gj) $$ where the first is the $i$ projection, and the second is composing with $G(f)$, namely the map $G(f)_*$.

The $f$-component of the second map is given by the composition : $$ \prod_{k} \mathbf{C}(Fk,Gk) \to \mathbf{C}(Fj,Gj)\to \mathbf{C}(Fi,Gj) $$ where the first is the $j$ projection, and the second is precomposing with $F(f)$, namely the map $F(f)^*$.

So we get the two desired maps of the diagram. Then an element that equalizes those two maps should be an element $(\alpha_k)_{k \in Ob(J)}$ of $\prod_{k} \mathbf{C}(Fk,Gk)$ such that for any $f : i \to j$, $F(f)^* (\alpha_j) = G(f)_* (\alpha_i)$, i.e. $$ \alpha_j \circ F(f) = G(f) \circ \alpha_i $$ which is the equation defining natural transformations. So, by definition, the equalizer of those two maps is $Nat(F,G)$.

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