Define a branch for $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{z}}$ and show it is analytic.


Define a branch for $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{z}}$ and show it is analytic.

I defined a branch $(-\pi, \pi)$, and so that means the function $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{z}}$ is analytic on $\mathbb{C}\setminus \left\{y=0,x\leq 0\right\}$.

I am trying to analyze when such a function is in the deleted area. Already from $\sqrt{z}$, $y$ must be zero. It remains to consider the case when $x\leq 0$. Since there's an added $+1$ inside the square root, does this change $x\leq 0$ to $x\leq -1$? And so the analytic domain is $\mathbb{C}\setminus \left\{y=0,x\leq -1\right\}$?

Best Answer

If $1+\sqrt z= -t$ with $t \geq 0$ then $z=(1-t)^{2}$. The range of $(1-t)^{2}$ on $[0,\infty)$ is $[0,\infty)$ so $z \in [0,\infty)$ which is not true. Hence $1+\sqrt z$ does not lie on the negative real axis when $z$ does not lie on the negative real axis. Hence $\sqrt {1+\sqrt z }$ is well defined and analytic on the complex plane with $(-\infty, 0]$ removed.

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