Dedekind and Cauchy completeness

complete-spacesordered-fieldsreal numbers

I know that the following equivalence holds:
$$\text{Cauchy-complete ordered Archimedean field}\Leftrightarrow\text{Dedekind-complete ordered field}$$
I would like to know some concrete examples of a Cauchy-complete ordered field that is not Dedekind-complete.

Best Answer

Generic example: the Cauchy-completion of a non-Archimedean ordered field (see also this answer).

Concrete example: the Laurent series ring $\mathbb{R}((x))$ (see also this answer and this answer). In fact, the proof does not use any special properties of the reals, so we have the following extension:

Proposition 1. Let $R$ be an ordered field. Then $R((x))$, ordered by the positive cone $$ R((x))_+ = \{0\} \cup \left\{\sum_{i=k}^\infty \alpha_i x^i \, : \, \alpha_k > 0\right\}, $$ is a Cauchy-complete ordered field.

The unit $1 \in R((x))$, and therefore the prime field $\mathbb{Q} \subseteq R((x))$, are contained in the subfield $R = \{\alpha_ix^0 \, : \, \alpha_i \in R\} \subseteq R((x))$, so it is clear from the definition that $x^{-1} > q$ ($\, = qx^0$) for all $q\in\mathbb{Q}$. Therefore:

Proposition 2. Let $R$ be an ordered field. Then $R((x))$, ordered as in Proposition 1, is not Archimedean.