Decomposition of hermitian matrix as difference of positive semidefinite matrices

hermitian-matriceslinear algebramatrix decompositionpositive-semidefinitequantum-information

In my reference, Box 11.2, Page 512, Chapter 11, Entropy and Information, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Nielsen and Chuang, proof of the Fannes' inequality contains


here $\rho$ and $\sigma$ are positive semidefinite(hermitian with nonzero eigenvalues) with eigenvalues lies in the interval $[0,1]$(constitute a probability distribution).

In another document, Theorem 10.2, Lecture 10: Continuity of von Neumann entropy;
quantum relative entropy, John Watrous' Lecture notes
, it is given that


How can we prove that any hermitian operator can be decomposed in terms of the difference between two positive semidefinite operators?

Here, $A=VD_AV^\dagger$ and $B=UD_BU^\dagger$ need not commute (not simultaneously diagonalized).

The difference between two hermitian matrices is hermitian, ie., $H=A-B$ is hermitian.

$H=A-B=WD_HW^\dagger$, and we are free to choose diagonal matrices $D_p$ and $D_q$ such that $D_H=D_p-D_q$, i.e., $H=WD_HW^\dagger=W(D_p-D_q)W^\dagger=WD_pW^\dagger-WD_qW^\dagger=P-Q$

It would be helpful if one could point in the right direction.

Best Answer

Since $\rho - \sigma$ is Hermitian, you can diagonalize it and all its eigenvalues fall between $[-2,2]$ by the triangle inequality. Let $Q$ be the diagonal matrix whose eigenvalues are exactly the non-negative eigenvalues of $\rho - \sigma$ and let $R$ be the diagonal matrix whose eigenvalues are the negatives of the negative eigenvalues of $\rho - \sigma$. So, both $Q$ and $R$ are positive and if you've ordered the eigenvalues right, $Q-R = \rho-\sigma$ after a suitable unitary change of basis. Note that $Q$ and $R$ will have orthogonal support since $Q$ only supports the positive eigenspace and $R$ only supports the negative eigenspace, and these are obviously orthogonal (no eigenvalue is both negative and positive).