Decomposing Fibonacci Numbers


This link demonstrates certain decompositions of Fibonacci numbers into products and sums of smaller Fibonacci numbers, such as $F_{m+n} = F_{m-1}F_n+F_mF_{n+1}$.

I am wondering if anyone knows of more general decompositions of Fibonacci numbers with three indices such as $F_{n+m+k}$ or $F_{n-m+k+1}$ to name some examples. How would you go about breaking down these Fibonacci numbers with three (or more) indices in a way similar to the given link/example?

Best Answer

One method uses matrices. Let $\,A = (^{0\, 1}_{1\, 1}).\,$ A simple induction proof shows that $$ A^n = \pmatrix{ F_{n-1} \ F_n \\ F_n \ F_{n+1} }. $$ The equation $\,A^{m+n} = A^m\ A^n\,$ implies your equation for $\,F_{m+n}.\,$ Use the equation $\,A^{m+n+k} = A^m\ A^n\ A^k\,$ for a similar Fibonacci equation and so on.

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