Decomposing a permutation into 3-cycles


I have two exercises I don't know how to solve:

  1. Write the permutation $α = (1 2)(3 4)$ as a product of 3-cycles
  2. Write the permutation $α = (1 2 8 3 7)(4 5 6)$ as a product of 3-cycles

I know how to convert a permutation into a composition of 2-cycles, but not of 3-cycles. I imagine there is a rule for when this is possible, depending on odd/even properties, but since I'm am using the exercises mentioned to help me to learn about permutation parity, I can't yet follow arguments based on that understanding.

Also, I am working with left to right composition such that $(123) = (12)(13)$.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best Answer

First, notice that, since 3-cycles are even, and products of even permutations are even themselves (if you know what it means, this comes from the fact that the map sending each permutation to its sign is a homomorphism), for a permutation to be written as a product of 3-cycles you need it to be even. Luckily, your $\alpha$'s are.

Now, let me give you the general argument here, that hopefully you will be able to specialize to the cases above. Take an even permutation $\sigma$ and write it as a product of transpositions, say $\tau_1\cdots\tau_k$, where $k$ must be even. Looking at $\tau_1\tau_2$, you can suppose $\tau_1\neq\tau_2$, otherwise their product is the identical permutation. Then, you have two cases:

  1. $\tau_1=(ab),\tau_2=(ac)$, i.e. $\tau_1,\tau_2$ permute a common number, say $a$. In this situation, as you noted for $(123)$, $(ab)(ac)=(abc)$, so $\tau_1\tau_2$ is a 3-cycle;
  2. $\tau_1=(ab),\tau_2=(cd)$, with $a,b,c,d$ different, i.e. they are disjoint. In this case, write $(ab)(cd)=(ab)(bc)(bc)(cd)$ and you get a product of two 3-cycles by point 1.

Iterating and using the fact that $k$ is even, you get a full decomposition of $\sigma$ in 3-cycles. Incidentally, this actually proves that any even permutation can be written as a product of 3-cycles (again, provided you are familiar with the terminology, $A_n$ is generated by 3-cycles).

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