Dealing with proofs in linear algebra that seem trivial

linear algebrasolution-verification

I have a real trouble in linear algebra approaching proofs in general, but especially when a proof seems so trivial, I don't actually know where to start!
For example:

Show that if ${[v_1, . . . , v_n]}$ is a basis of $V$ then every vector v$V$ can be uniquely written as
$$v = α_1v_1 + · · · + α_nv_n$$ for some $α_1, . . . , α_n ∈ F$.

Here this just seems like trivial knowledge to me. I know that if a set of vector is a basis for a space, it spans that space and is linearly independent. That is just the definition of a basis. If I try to structure this into a proof, I just end up repeating the question! Is this all I need to say? Or am I missing something more basic here?


Best Answer

In questions like this, if you're still new to doing mathematics in general, I think it's really important to be really systematic:

In your case, $\{v_i\}_{1\leq i\leq n}$ is a basis for $V$. This means that $a)$, $\{v_i\}_{1\leq i\leq n}$ is a spanning set and $b)$, $\{v_i\}_{1\leq i\leq n}$ is a linearly independent.

So... given some $v\in V$, we need to show that it has a unique representation as a linear combination of $v_i$'s. So first, we need to show that it has such a representation. This follows from the fact that $\{v_i\}_{1\leq i\leq n}$ is spanning - this is literally just the definition of being spanning, so here, it is alright to say that it's obvious.

Next, we need to show uniqueness, and as you indicated, this should follow from linear independence. However, in order to do this, we need to reduce the question to a question of linear independence.

So, assume that $v=\sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_iv_i=\sum_{i=1}^n \beta_i v_i$. Then, we see that $0=\sum_{i=1}^n (\alpha_i-\beta_i)v_i$ and by definition of linear independence, this means that $\alpha_i-\beta_i=0$ for all $i$. This implies the desired.

The point of this type of exercise is typically to practice proof techniques, and the important thing, in my experience, is just to attempt to be completely systematic and never claim that something is just obvious (even though it may very well be).

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