Darboux theorem for $2$-dimensional manifolds


Let $M$ be a $2$-dimensional manifold. Using the fact that every non-vanishing $\alpha\in\Omega^1(M)$ can be written as $\alpha=fdg$ locally for convenient smooth functions $f,g$, prove Darboux's theorem for $2$ dimension:

If $(M^2,\omega)$ is a symplectic manifold, there are local coordinates $(x,y)$ such that $\omega=dx\wedge dy$.

I guess the only way to use the given result is by considering a field $X$ such that $X\neq 0$ in some neighbourhood and the non-vanishing $1$-form $i_X\omega$. Then we would have $f,g$ with $i_X\omega=fdg$, but I don't know how to deal with that. I tried to prove that $\omega=df\wedge dg$, but I think that's not true.

Best Answer

Here's a proof along the lines that you are looking for and which is valid only in dimension 2.

Consider a smoothly embedded open ball $B \subset M$. Since $B$ is contractible and the restriction of the symplectic form $\omega$ to $B$ is still closed, this restriction is exact. Thus there exists a 1-form $\lambda$ on $B$ such that $\omega = d \lambda$; by adding to $\lambda$ a closed 1-form and considering if necessary a smaller ball, we can assume without loss of generality that $\lambda$ does not vanish on $B$. From the result mentioned in the question, $\lambda$ can be written as $\lambda = f dg$ for some smooth functions $f, g \in C^{\infty}(B)$. We thus deduce that $\omega = d\lambda = d(fdg) = df \wedge dg$. Hence, considering $\mathbb{R}^2$ equipped with coordinates $(x,y)$ and the standard symplectic form $\omega_0 = dx \wedge dy$, we get that the map $\Phi : B \to \mathbb{R}^2$ given by $\Phi(p) = (f(p), g(p))$ is symplectic, i.e. $\Phi^* \omega_0 = \omega$. It follows that $\Phi$ is an immersion, and it is also a submersion since $B$ and $\mathbb{R}^2$ have the same dimension. This map is thus a local diffeomorphism; Upon shrinking $B$ again if necessary, we can assume that $\Phi$ is a symplectic diffeomorphism onto its image i.e. a Darboux chart.

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