Curl in spherical coordinates on example

grad-curl-divspherical coordinates

On Wiki ( the Vector Potential of a Dipole Antenna is roughly given by:

$$A = c\cdot \dfrac{e^{-i\,k\,r}}{r}\,\hat{e}_z$$

Now the curl is computed in spherical coordinates resulting:

$$B_\varphi = \nabla\times A = c\cdot \left(\dfrac{1}{r^2}+ \dfrac{i\,k}{r}\right)\,e^{-i\,k\,r}\,\sin\theta$$

$\color{red}{\text{How is that?}}$ And what does $\mathbf{B\,\varphi}$ means at all? I assume $\mathbf{B\cdot \hat{e}_\varphi}$ $\textsf{Here is my whole approach trying to explain:}$

$$\begin{align} B =& \nabla \times A = \left(\partial_r\,\hat{e}_r + \frac{1}{r} \,\partial_{\theta}\,\hat{e}_\theta\right)\times c\cdot \dfrac{e^{-i\,k\,r}}{r}\,\left(\cos\theta\,\hat{e}_r -\sin\theta\,\hat{e}_\theta\right)\\[12pt]
B= & -\sin{\theta}\,\hat{e}_\varphi\,c\cdot e^{-i\,k\,r}\left(-\dfrac{i\,k}{r}-\dfrac{1}{r^2}\right) + \sin\theta\,\hat{e}_{\varphi}\,c\cdot e^{-i\,k\,r}\,\left(\dfrac{1}{r^2}\right)\\[12pt]
B = & c\cdot \left(\dfrac{i\,k}{r}+2\,\dfrac{1}{r^2}\right)\,e^{-i\,k\,r}\,\sin\theta\,\hat{e}_\varphi

Which is pretty similar but still somewhat different from the print on Wiki.

Best Answer

The problem is you're taking the spherical gradient "vector" and taking the formal cross product with the vector field. The cross product form of the curl is a mnemonic, not an identity. The formal cross product only gives the correct answer in Cartesian coordinates. Wiki has the formulae for the most common curvilinear coordinate systems on this page. (Bookmark that one--it comes in handy a lot.)

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