Cumulative distribution (uniform distribution/continuous)


Let $X$ be a continuous uniform random variable on the interval $[0,2]$.

How to determine the cumulative distribution function of $Y=X(2-X)$?

I got:

Since $X$ is uniformly distributed, the probability density function is $f_X(x)=\frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol{1}_{0<x<2}$

Now I tried to find the cumulative distribution function:

$F_Y(y)=\mathbb{P}(Y \leq x)=\mathbb{P}(X(2-X) \leq x)=\mathbb{P}((2X-X^2) \leq x)$

How to continue the transformation such that I get $\mathbb{P}(X \leq …)$?

I don't see how to rewrite $2X-X^2$ here.

Best Answer

Add $-1$ to both sides,$$2X-X^2-1=-(X-1)^2\le x-1\implies(X-1)^2\ge1-x$$When $x\ge1$, the inequality is always true and the c.d.f. of $Y$ is $1$. For $x<1$,$$P[(X-1)^2\ge1-x]\iff P(|X-1|\ge\sqrt{1-x})\\\iff P(X\le1-\sqrt{1-x})+P(X\ge1+\sqrt{1-x})$$For $x<0$, the first and second terms are both $0$ (Why?). So you only have to talk about $x\in[0,1)$. Can you take this forward?

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