Cube root of numbers such as $2+11i$

complex numbersradicalssymbolic computation

How can I find powers and roots of complex numbers with ugly argument such as cube root of 2+11i? I saw Find the solutions to $z^3 = 2 + 11i$., but the answer includes some guessing and I would like to have some algorithm for such a tasks, which I can program. I would also like to solve it symbolically and thus precisely. Of course I know the formula: $a^b=e^{b \ln(a)}$ But when I try to use it:

$\sqrt[3]{2+11i}=(2+11i)^\frac{1}{3}=e^{\frac{1}{3} \ln(2+11i)}=e^{\frac{1}{3} \big(\ln(\sqrt{125})+i \arctan(\frac{11}{2}) \big)}=$

$=\sqrt{5} \big(\cos(\frac{1}{3} \arctan(\frac{11}{2}))+i \sin (\frac{1}{3} \arctan(\frac{11}{2})) \big)$

And I cannot solve this further symbolically, of course when I solve it in floating point numbers I get the right solution $2+i$.

Best Answer

There is, really, no algebraic formula for extracting the cube roots of complex numbers. You can try rendering the equations into real variables as the OP did. You end up with a cubic equation that can be solved in several ways -- but none that lends itself to a useful algebraic formula.

You can use the Rational Root Theorem to identify good candidates for guessing, but there is a chance that none of these educated guesses works.

Or you can try the general formula from Cardano only to find that you get back the complex radical you intended to solve.

Or you can "cheat", going beyond algebraic methods, by going to trigonometric functions, which is basically the polar form solution. The trigonometric solution, of course, appears in a form that offers no clue it might be a rational root.

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