Covariant derivative of $(0,0)$-tensor calculation


I am trying to prove a special case of proposition 4.21 in "Introduction to Riemannian Manifolds" by John Lee. Here is the setup: $\nabla$ is a connection in $TM$, $f\in C^\infty(M)$ (ie a $(0,0)$-type tensor) and $X,Y$ are smooth vector fields. I am trying to prove that $\nabla^2_{X,Y} f=\nabla_X(\nabla_Y f)-\nabla_{\nabla_X Y} f$. Here, for any $(k,l)$-tensor $F$, we define $\nabla^2_{X,Y} F=\nabla^2 F(\dots, Y,X)$.

Here is what I have done:

\nabla^2_{X,Y} f&=\nabla(\nabla (f) (Y,X))\\&=\nabla(X(f(Y))-f(\nabla_X Y))\\&
=\nabla(X(f(Y)))-\nabla(f(\nabla_X Y))\\&
=\nabla_Y(Xf)-\nabla_{\nabla_X Y}f\\&=\nabla_Y(\nabla_X f)-\nabla_{\nabla_X Y}f.

But this is very clearly not quite what I want…The $X$ and $Y$ seem to have switched places in the first term and I don't know where I went wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

$(\nabla^2 f) (X,Y)=\nabla (\nabla f)(X,Y)=\nabla_X (\nabla f) (Y)$.

Let $T:=\nabla f$ for clarity.

Now, we continue the computation (using $\nabla f(X)=X(f)$):

$\nabla_X T (Y)=X(T(Y))-T(\nabla_X Y)=X(Y(f))-\nabla_X Y(f)$

Finally, we obtain what you want by $\nabla_X f=\nabla f(X)=X(f)$.

The problem is that you "worked" from the inside instead that from the outside.