Covariant and directional derivative on scalar fields


I am trying to decide whether the covariant derivative and the directional derivative are any different for a scalar field. Perhaps I’m misinterpreting something, but I seem to get a covector field when applying the del operator to a scalar field.

If a scalar field is a (0, 0) tensor, then its covariant derivative will be a (0, 1) tensor. And the del operator is defined $\nabla = \bf{e^i} {\partial \over \partial c^i } $. So then:

$$ \nabla f = \bf{e^i} {\partial f \over \partial c^i } $$

Now this seems to make sense, but I get a covector. On the other hand, the gradient is usually defined as:

$$ \nabla f = g^{ij} {\partial f \over \partial c^j} \bf{e_i} $$

So is the covariant derivative of a scalar field supposed to be a vector field, or a covector field?

Best Answer

Without a metric

you are immediately able to take the covariant derivative $\nabla f$ of a scalar field, which coincides with its exterior derivative $\mathrm{d}f$ $$\nabla f = \mathrm{d}f = \sum_i \partial_i f \,\omega^i$$ where $\omega^i$ are the basis covector fields. Obviously this is a covector field.

Then the derivative of $f$ in the direction of a vector $v$ admits the following notations:

$$vf = \nabla_{v}f = (\nabla f)(v) = (\mathrm{d}f)(v) \tag{1}$$

If you have a metric

say $g$, then it induces the so-called musical isomorphisms $\sharp$ (which maps covector fields to vectors fields) and $\flat$ (which maps in the other direction). So then you can define the gradient vector field of a scalar field as $$\vec{\nabla}f := (\nabla f)^\sharp$$ In this case, the directional derivative $vf$ can be expressed (apart from the notations in $(1)$) by


In short

"Del operator" may be a bit ambiguous. When applied to functions, in my experience people use it to refer to the grandient vector, but judging by what you wrote

the del operator is defined $\nabla = \bf{e^i} {\partial \over \partial c^i } $

you have found a place where "del operator" is used to talk about the covariant derivative.