Counting number of unlabeled graphs via number of connected graphs

combinatoricsgraph theory

Let $G$ be a family of simple, unlabeled and undirected graphs, $G(n)$ the graphs on $G$ with $n$ vertices and $G^c(n)$ the graphs of $G(n)$, which are connected. I thought about the problem of determing $|G(n)|$, when the values of $|G^c(k)|$ are known for $k = 1\dots n$.

All families I am looking at have the nice property, that the connected components of a graph $g \in G$ are also in $G$. The family of bipartite graphs for example has this property, since every connected component of a bipartite graph is bipartite.

I developed a formula for the problem described at the beginning, that i thought would be right, but implementing this formula calculates wrong numbers.

Some notation:
Let $P(n)$ be the set of (distinct) number partitions of $n$ and for a partition $p = (p_1, p_2, \dots, p_m) \in P(n)$ let $l(p) := m$ the number of "parts" of $p$. For example for the partition $p = (4,2,2,1)$ of the integer $9$
is $l(p) = 4$

The formula i developed looks like this:
$$|G(n)| = \sum_{p \in P(n)} \Bigl( \prod_{k=1}^{l(p)} |G^c(p(k))|\Bigr)$$

I came up with this formula because of some basic combinatorial arguments:

  • For a given partition $p = (p_1, \dots , p_m) \in P(n)$, the expression $\prod_{k=1}^{l(p)} |G^c(p(k))|$ counts the graphs of $G(n)$, which consist of connected components of sizes $p_1, \dots , p_m$
  • If a graph has connected components of sizes $p_1, \dots, p_m$ (ordered descending), then $(p_1, \dots, p_m) \in P(n)$

So if I summarize over all partitions of $n$ I should get the right answer. However, i implemented this formula for my bachelor thesis and get wrong numbers. Here is a table showing the numbers for bipartite graphs:

n & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 \\ \hline
\text{right number} & 303 & 1119 & 5479 & 32303 & 251135 \\ \hline
\text{calculated number} & 306 & 1122 & 5495 & 32322 & 251320 \\ \hline
\text{difference} & 3 & 3 & 16 & 19 & 185

For $n \leq 7$, the numbers are right. Above $n=7$, the numbers calculated with the formula (second row) are higher than the right numbers (first row). In the third row i put the difference between the two.

My question is:

Did I miss some combinatorial argument while developing the formula? Are there for example some edge cases i am missing so that some graphs get counted twice with my formula?

Best Answer

The problem shows us up in cases where you have

  1. A partition with two parts of the same order $s$, and
  2. More than one graph of order $s$ in your family.

For the family of bipartite graphs, this needs $n \ge 8$ to happen, because only at $s=4$ do we have more than one connected bipartite graph of order $s$. They are $C_4$ (the cycle with $4$ vertices), $P_4$ (the path with $4$ vertices), and $K_{1,3}$ (the star with $4$ vertices).

When you're counting graphs with two components of order $4$, a graph with two different components is double-counted. For example, say $G$ is the disjoint union of $P_4$ and $C_4$. Then it's counted once when you choose $P_4$ as the first component, and $C_4$ as the second; it's counted again when you choose $C_4$ as the first component, and $P_4$ as the second.

As a result, the disjoint unions $P_4 \sqcup C_4$, $P_4 \sqcup K_{1,3}$, and $C_4 \sqcup K_{1,3}$ are the $3$ bipartite graphs of order $8$ that you've double-counted.

The other answer gives you a way to solve this problem with generating functions. If you prefer to stick to the same kind of formula you already have, you will need to update the $$\prod_{k=1}^{l(p)} |G^c(k)|$$ term in your formula. Let $n_s(p)$ denote the number of parts of order $s$ in $p$. Then the number of ways to choose the components of those orders is given by the multiset number $$ \left(\!\!\binom{|G^c(s)|}{n_s(p)}\!\!\right) = \binom{|G^c(s)|+n_s(p)-1}{n_s(p)} $$ and so we change the formula to $$ \sum_{p \in P(n)} \prod_{s \ge 1}\binom{|G^c(s)|+n_s(p)-1}{n_s(p)}. $$

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