Counterexample for a convex problem

control theoryconvex optimizationmatricesmatrix equationsoptimization

The convex optimization problem is as follows:
\underset{\mathbb{X},\mathbb{Y}\in\mathbb{S}_n^+}{\min}\quad &\operatorname{Tr}(X)+ \operatorname{Tr}\left(D Y \right)\nonumber\\
\text{s.t.}\;\; &AX+XA^T+BB^T\geq 0 \nonumber\\
&\begin{bmatrix} YA+A^\top Y -\gamma I & YB \\ B^\top Y & -I\end{bmatrix} \preceq 0\nonumber\\
X&I\\I& Y
\end{bmatrix}\geq 0\nonumber

I feel at optimality $XY$ might not be equal to I. Any counterexamples

Best Answer

It holds on generic examples, but at the same time it is easy to find failures. Here shown via YALMIP in MATLAB

    A = [   0.1616    0.7101    0.3724
          -0.5743   -0.9687    1.0386
          -0.9781   -2.0428    0.1549];

    B = [ -0.8609    0.0831   -0.0633
           -0.3639   -0.6948    0.0915
           -0.6820   -1.4623    0.1106];
    a = 1;
    gamma = 1;
    D = a*B*B';
    n = 3;
    m = 3;
    X = sdpvar(n);
    Y = sdpvar(n);
    Model = [A*X+X*A' + B*B' >=0,
        [Y*A+A'*Y-gamma*eye(n) Y*B;B'*Y -eye(m)] <= 0,
        [X eye(n);eye(n) Y] >= 0];
    optimize(Model,trace(X) + trace(D*Y))
ans =

    1.1136    0.1004   -0.0039
    0.1004    0.7580    0.6263
   -0.0039    0.6263    1.1868

ans =

    1.1136    0.0991   -0.0042
    0.0991    0.5808    0.5944
   -0.0042    0.5944    1.1811
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