Counter-example to intersection of maximal ideals


I was reading Ulrich Gortz's Algebraic geometry and saw the following result:

If $A$ is a finitely generated $K$-algebra for a field $K$ we have $$\operatorname{rad} \mathfrak{a} = \bigcap_{\substack{\mathfrak{a}\subseteq\mathfrak{p}\subset A \\ \text{prime ideal}}} \mathfrak{p}= \bigcap_{\substack{\mathfrak{a}\subseteq\mathfrak{m}\subset A \\ \text{maximal ideal}}}\mathfrak{m}$$

I know the first equality is true for any commutative rings.

My question is: Is it true that if $A$ is NOT a finitely generated $K-$algebra, for a field $K$, then, $$rad\, \mathfrak{a}\not= \bigcap_{\substack{\mathfrak{a}\subseteq\mathfrak{m}\subset A \\ \text{maximal ideals}}} \mathfrak{m}$$ If yes, then what is a counter-example?

I feel like this has something to do with violating Hilbert nullstellensatz.

Best Answer

Take $A=k[t]_{(t)}$. This is a local domain with unique maximal ideal $(t)$, so the intersection of maximal ideals containing $(0)$ is $(t)$, which is not equal to $\sqrt{(0)}=(0)$.

It is not finitely generated as a $k$-algebra: if it were, $k[t]_{(t)}[x]$ would be finitely generated as a $k$-algebra, but $k[t]_{(t)}[x]/(1-tx)\cong k(t)$, which contradicts Zariski's lemma that any quotient of a finitely generated algebra over $k$ by a maximal ideal is a finite extension of $k$.

The sort of ring that makes this second statement true is a Jacobson ring - what's going on geometrically is that for such a ring $A$, the closed points of $\operatorname{Spec} A$ are dense in every closed subset.

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