Could this possibly be a new simple proof for Schur’s triangularization theorem

linear algebramatricesmatrix decompositionsolution-verificationtriangularization

Just in case you don't know what Schur's triang theorem is, here is the statement.

Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ real matrix, all of whose eigenvalues are real. Then, there exist an orthogonal matrix $Q$ and an upper triangular matrix $T$ such that $Q^{T}AQ=T$

Here is my proof for the theorem. I'll assume the you know about QR decomposition and basic properties of matrix multiplication.

First, hence $A$ has $n$ real eigenvalues, it is similar to a diagonal matrix $D$. So that $A=P^{-1}DP$.
Now we let $P^{-1}=QR$. What we are left with is
Since multiplication of two upper triangular leads to another upper triangular matrix, we are left with

I've always thought spectral theorem and Schur's theorem was too difficult to handle in some textbooks, but this turns out to be too easy? Am I wrong somewhere?

Best Answer

This is not correct. The statement of the theorem says that all eigenvalues are real, not that it has $n$ distinct eigenvalues. For instance, if $A=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}0&1\\0&0\end{smallmatrix}\right)$, the only eigenvalues of $A$ is $0$, which is real, but you cannot diagonalize $A$.

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