Correlation of the min and max of random numbers in $(0,1)$


Generate three random numbers independently and uniformly distributed in $(0,1)$. Let $X$ be the smallest of these three numbers and $Y$ the biggest.

(a) Do you expect $X$ and $Y$ are positively correlated, negatively correlated, or uncorrelated? Explain your reasoning intuitively then find the value of the correlation coefficient $\rho(X,Y)$.

(b) Suppose $n$ (as opposed to three) random numbers are generated. Compute the correlation coefficient $\rho(X,Y)$.

Answer: Am I correct in assuming that $X$ and $Y$ are uncorrelated because they are independent, and thus $\rho(X,Y)$ is 0 in both cases?

Best Answer

Am I correct in assuming that X and Y are uncorrelated because they are independent,

Totally wrong!

Define $U,V$ two independend rv's form Uniform distribution in $[0;1]$

$X$ and $Y$ are not independent but positively correlated. In fact the value of $Y=max(U,V)$ depends on the values of $X$.

If, as an example $X=0.7$ the values of Y are not anymore in $[0;1]$ but greater than 0.7.

Easy example: just as an hint, suppose we generate only 2 random numbers independently, say $U,V$.

Set $X=min(U;V)$ and $Y=max(U;V)$

The correlation between $X$ and $Y$ can be misured with their covariance


skipping for a moment case a), for the general case b), after some calculations based on Order Statistics, the covariance results to me


Which, for $n=2$ results exactly $\frac{1}{36}$ as derived before and $\frac{1}{80}$ for case a), when $n=3$

This means, as intuitive it is, that the greater is $n$ the lower is the linear dependence between Max and min.

If you want,as requested, you can easy calculate also $\rho(X,Y)$ but covariance is enough to capture linear dependence between the rv's

How to derive the general solution (sketch)

By definition,


$\mathbb{E}[X]$ and $\mathbb{E}[Y]$ are very easy to calculate using the distribution of min and max, obtaining respectively $\frac{1}{n+1}$ and $\frac{n}{n+1}$

The hardest probelm is to calculate $\mathbb{E}[XY]$. To solve it I used the definition of density of order statistics that you can find in the link above.


where $x<y$


$$\mathbb{E}[XY]=\int_0^1 n xdx\Bigg[\int_x^1 (n-1)y(y-x)^{n-2}dy \Bigg]dx=\dots=\frac{1}{n+1}-\frac{1}{(n+1)(n+2)}$$

When solving the integral, you will arrive at the following

$$\mathbb{E}[XY]=n\int_0^1 x(1-x)^{n-1}dx-\int_0^1 x(1-x)^{n}dx=n\frac{\Gamma(2)\Gamma(n)}{\Gamma(n+2)}-\frac{\Gamma(2)\Gamma(n+1)}{\Gamma(n+3)}=$$


This results follow using Beta Function

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