Correlation coefficient of convolution of two bivariate normal distributions

convolutionprobability distributions

If $f$ and $g$ are bivariate normal PDFs having correlation coefficients $ρ_f$ and $ρ_g$ respectively, what is the correlation coefficient of the bivariate normal distribution $h=f*g$, where $*$ denotes the convolution operator? I've tried searching for the answer but come up dry.

Best Answer

I don't think that you can determine the correlation coefficient without also knowing the variances, but you should be able to determine the new covariance matrix given the covariance matrices for $f$ and $g$. It can be shown that the distribution with pdf $h=f*g$ corresponds to the the distribution of $Z=X+Y$, where $X,Y$ are independent and have the respective densities $f$ and $g$. In particular if $X,Y$ are independent with $X\sim N(\mu_X,\Sigma_X)$ and $Y\sim N(\mu_Y,\Sigma_Y)$, then $$X+Y \sim N_2(\mu_X+\mu_Y,\Sigma_X + \Sigma_Y),$$ and the correlation coefficient can then be determined from the matrix $\Sigma_X + \Sigma_Y$ as $$\rho_Z = \frac{\rho_X \sigma_{X_1} \sigma_{X_2}+\rho_Y \sigma_{Y_1}\sigma_{Y_2}} {\sqrt{\sigma_{X_1}^2+\sigma_{Y_1}^2} \sqrt{\sigma_{X_2}^2 + \sigma_{Y_2}^2 }},$$ where $$\Sigma_X = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_{X_1}^2 & \rho_X \sigma_{X_1} \sigma_{X_2} \\ \rho_X \sigma_{X_1} \sigma_{X_2} & \sigma_{X_2}^2\end{pmatrix} \quad \text{ and } \quad \Sigma_Y = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_{Y_1}^2 & \rho_Y \sigma_{Y_1} \sigma_{Y_2} \\ \rho_Y \sigma_{Y_1} \sigma_{Y_2} & \sigma_{Y_2}^2\end{pmatrix} $$