Correct notation for taking the element-wise square root of a matrix

linear algebranotation

As the title says, I'm pretty confused how I can, in correct mathematical notation, note that the square root of each element of a matrix needs to be taken. If

$$ A \triangleq \left[ \begin{array}\\ x_1, x_2 \\ x_3, x_4 \end{array} \right] $$

what is the correct notation for $\sqrt{A}$ where $$ \sqrt{A} \triangleq \left[ \begin{array}\\ \sqrt{x_1}, \sqrt{x_2} \\ \sqrt{x_3}, \sqrt{x_4} \end{array} \right] ?$$

Essentially, what is the correct symbol I attach to $A$ to indicate element-wise square roots are to be taken?

Best Answer

Sometimes this is referred to as the Hadamard root and is referred to with notation $A^{\circ 1/2}$.

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