Convergence to Charactersitic Function a.e.


I'm working on the following problem in Folland:

If $\mu(E_n) < \infty$ for $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $\chi_{E_n} \rightarrow f$ in $L^1$, then $f$ is equal (a.e.) to the characteristic function of a measurable set.

There are two hints given here:

  1. (Ex 3) If $\{f_n\}$ is a sequence of measurable functions on $X$, then $\{ x: \lim f_n(x) \text{ exists}\}$ is a measurable set.
  2. (Ex 5) If $X= A \cup B$ where $A,B \in \mathcal{M}$, a function $f$ on $X$ is measurable iff $f$ measurable on $A$ and $B$.

I understand the idea, I think —

$\chi_{E_n} \rightarrow f$ in $L^1$ will imply a subsequence converging to $f$ a.e. The limit will be $1$'s and $0$'s so will be a characteristic function. I'm having trouble putting it together rigorously though. In particular I saw this post whose accepted answer mentions convergence for $k$ large enough, which I don't understand becuase we converge a.e (what if we blow up?).

Best Answer

The hints seem a bit silly to me. If you know the fact that (*) an $L^1$-convergent sequence has an a.e.-convergent subsequence, then what you have just said is exactly the proof: since $\chi_{E_n}(\omega)$ is $0$ or $1$ for any $n$, then $f(\omega)$ must also be zero or one a.e. Moreover $f$ is a measurable function by assumption. So if we let $E = \{f = 1\}$ (which is measurable) then $f = \chi_E$ a.e.

If you don't know, or aren't allowed to use, the fact (*), then I guess you have to proceed differently, and maybe the hints are useful in that case. I haven't thought much about it yet.

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