Context-free grammar (CFG)

computer sciencecontext-free-grammarformal-languages

How do I generate a context free grammar for a language
$$\Sigma = \{0, 1\},\ L = \{1^i0^j1^k \mid i, j, k \geq 0\}$$
Thanks already

Best Answer

Denote our context free grammar by $G=(V, \Sigma, R, S)$ whereby $V=\{S,S_1, S_2, S_3\}$ is our set of variables, $S$ denotes the start variable and $\Sigma=\{0,1\}$ is our set of terminals. Then our rules $R$ are given by \begin{alignat}{1}S &\to 1S_1\\\ S_1 &\to 1S_1\ |\ S_2\ \\ S_2 &\to 0S_2\ |\ S_3\ \\ S_3 &\to 1S_3\ |\ \epsilon \end{alignat}

We can generate the following words:

  • $101$
  • $1\cdots 01$
  • $101\cdots$
  • $10\cdots 1$
  • $10 \cdots 1 \cdots$
  • $1 \cdots 0 \cdots 1$
  • $1 \cdots 0 \cdots 1 \cdots$


The above grammar is only valid for the given language for $i,j,k >0$ as @rici correctly pointed out in the comments.

Here is the set of rules for $i,j,k \geq 0$ for the grammar $G=(V, \Sigma, R, S)$ with $V=\{S,S_1,S_2, S_3\}$.

\begin{alignat}{1}S &\to S_1\ |\ S_2\\\ S_1 &\to 0S_1\ |\ S_3\ |\ \epsilon\ \\ S_2 &\to 1S_2\ |\ S_1\ |\ \epsilon \\ S_3 &\to 1S_3\ |\ \epsilon \end{alignat}

This can generate the following words:

  • $\epsilon$ (if $i=j=k=0$)
  • $1$
  • $0$
  • $1\cdots$
  • $0\cdots$
  • $0\cdots 1 \cdots$
  • $1\cdots 0 \cdots$
  • $1\cdots 0 \cdots 1 \cdots$

Note: with $\cdots$ I mean zero or more repitions.

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