Construction of an isomorphism between Cech’s cohomology and singular cohomology


Given a smooth manifold $M$ and a sheaf $\mathcal{G}$, with $\mathcal{G}(U) = C^{\infty}(U, U(1))$ for open $U \subset M$. I saw that there is an isomorphism

$$H^{1}_{Cech}(M, \mathcal{G}) \simeq H^{2}(M, \mathbb{Z}),$$
between cech cohomology and singular cohomology. How do I build this isomorphism?


Best Answer

Consider a good open cover, $(U_j)$ ($U_j$ is contractible, a finite intersection of $U_j's$ is contractible), and $g_{jk}:U_j\cap U_k\rightarrow U(1)$, there exist $h_{jk}:U_j\cap U_k\rightarrow \mathbb{R}=Lie(U(1))$ such that $g_{jk}=exp(ih_{jk})$, we have $g_{jk}g_{kl}=g_{jl}$ is equivalent to $exp(ih_{jk})exp(ih_{kl})=exp(i(h_{jk}+h_{kl}))=exp(ih_{jl})$, we deduce that $dh_{jk}$ is a cocycle since the sheaf of $1$-form is fine (there exist partition of unity). We deduce that there exists $1$-form $h'_{j}$ defined on $U_j$ such that $h'_k-h'_j=h_{jk}$, write $\omega$ the $2$-form whose restriction to $U_j$ is $dh'_j$.

Conversely, consider a closed $2$-form $\omega$. There exists a $1$-form $h'_j$ defined on $U_j$ such that $dh'_j=\omega_{\mid U_j}$, on $U_{jk}$, we have $dh'_k-dh'_j=0$, this implies there exists a function $h_{jk}$ such that $dh_{jk}=h'_k-h'_j$. Write $h_{jkl}=h_{kl}-h_{jl}+h_{jk}$ on $U_j\cap U_k\cap U_l$, $dh_{ijk}=0$, the fact that $\omega$ is a integral form implies that the constant form $h_{jkl}\in\mathbb{Z}$, we can write $g_{jk}=exp(ih_{jk})$ and $g_{jk}g_{kl}=g_{jl}$.

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