Constructing nonprincipal ideals in a non-UFD


It's well-known that all PIDs are UFDs, i.e. all non-UFDs are not PIDs. Now, it seems to me that there are two ways that a ring $R$ could fail to be a UFD:

  • Some element $x$ has no factorisation into irreducibles.
  • Some element $x$ has two distinct factorisations $p_1 \cdots p_n$, $q_1 \cdots q_m$ into irreducibles.

In either case, can we actually "construct" a nonprincipal ideal $I$ from the elements $x$, $p_1, \ldots, p_n$, $q_1, \ldots, q_m$?

Note this question is not an exact duplicate of this one, plus that question did not receive an answer anyway.

Best Answer

The first case

At core, this argument can be summarized as:

If $x$ cannot be written as a product of irreducibles, we can get an infinite descending chain of non-trivial divisors. Then the union of the corresponding ascending infinite chain of principal ideals cannot be principal.

If non-unit $x=x_0$ has no factorization into irreducibles, then $x$ is not irreducible, so there must be a factorization of $x =ab,$ with both $a,b$ not units.

Then at least one of $a,b$ must not be writable as a product of irreducibles. Let $x_1$ be that element.

Similarly, let $x_{n+1}$ be a non-trivial factor of $x_n$ such that $x_{n+1}$ cannot be written as a product of irreducibles.

Then you have principal ideal inclusions: $$x_0R\subsetneq x_1R\subsetneq x_2R\subsetneq \cdots $$

Take the union: $I=\bigcup x_nR.$ $I$ is an ideal. Then for any $y\in I,$ $y\in x_{n}R$ for some $n.$ So $yR\subseteq x_nR\subsetneq I.$

So $I$ is not principal.

In fact, you can show that $I$ can’t be generated by a finite set of generators, because any finite set from $I$ is a subset of some $x_nR.$

So, the first case implies that there are non-finitely-generated ideals in $R.$

The second case

The second case, you can assume the $p_i$ and $q_j$ are distinct, by cancelling equal irreducible factors.


$$p_1\mid q_1q_2\cdots q_k$$

Now, if $p_1R+q_iR$ is principal, then it must be all of $R,$ or $p_1,q_i$ cannot be irreducible. So we must have $x_i,y_i\in R$ so that $$p_1x_i+q_iy_i=1.$$

But then taking the product of these equalities, we get $X,Y\in R$ such that:

$$p_1X+(q_1q_2\cdots q_k)Y=1.$$

Recall that $p_1\mid q_1q_2\cdots q_k$: hence the above equation shows that $p_1\mid 1,$ so $p_1$ is not irreducible.

So at least one of the ideals $p_1R+q_iR$ is non-principal.

(Technically, you need a lot more arguments about “distinct up to a product of units,” or that $p_1R\neq q_iR$ for all $i.$)