Constructing a quadrilateral with $3$ equal sides given their midpoints


Construct a quadrilateral with three equal sides, given the midpoint of each of these three sides. Also it is given that which of these three midpoints is for the middle side (a side between the two other sides).

Here is what I've done to solve the problem,

Assume the three points $E, G$ and $F$ are given and the point $G$ is for the middle side. Now consider the problem is solved,

enter image description here

I noticed that the vertex $A$ lie on the perpendicular bisector of $GE$ and similarly, $B$ lies on the perpendicular bisector of $GF$. So starting with three points,

enter image description here

Now it is enough to find the vertices $A$ and $B$ on each side of the green angle so that the segment $AB$ (which passes through $G$) make $AG= BG$. But from here I'm not sure how to continue.

Best Answer

You have $E,G,F$ (non-collinear).

Draw three lines:

  • take the perpendicular bisector of $EG$ and call the line $t$
  • reflect $t$ through $G$ and call this parallel line $r$
  • take the perpendicular bisector of $GF$ and call the line $s$ (not parallel to $t$ and $r$ as the points are not collinear)

Then set the points:

  • $B$ on the intersection of $r$ and $s$
  • $A$ as the reflection of $B$ through $G$ (so lies on $t$)
  • $D$ as the reflection of $A$ through $E$
  • $C$ as the reflection of $B$ through $F$

and the reflections and perpendicular bisectors ensure all the desired distances are equal.