Construct an increasing sequence in an ordinal $\alpha$ from a bijection $f: |\alpha| \rightarrow \alpha$


I have a question related to cofinality:

Let $\alpha$ is a limit ordinal and is not a cardinal. How can I construct an increasing sequence $\alpha_{\xi}$ in $\alpha$ with the length $|\alpha|$ from a bijection $f: |\alpha| \rightarrow \alpha$ such that $\lim_{\xi \rightarrow |\alpha|} \alpha_{\xi} = \alpha$.

I have read one construction from here where the sequence was built based on a set $S$:

$S = \{ \beta \in |\alpha| \mid \forall \gamma \prec \beta: f(\gamma) \prec f(\beta) \}$

However, let take an example for $\alpha = \omega +1$ where the bijection $f$ is defined with $f(0) = \omega$ and $f(n+1) = n$ for all $n \in \omega$. We can easily get $S = \emptyset$.

I cannot comment to that question so my post (as an answer) has been deleted by moderators. I hope your helps in this case and so sorry if I made a mistake.

Edited: $\alpha$ is a limit ordinal.

Best Answer

In general this is not possible: the best that can be hoped for is a cofinal increasing sequence of length $\operatorname{cf}\alpha$. It certainly isn’t possible if $\alpha$ is not a limit ordinal, but it isn’t possible for all limit ordinals, either. For instance, let $\alpha=\omega_1+\omega$; then $|\alpha|=\omega_1$, but $\operatorname{cf}\alpha=\omega$. There are certainly increasing $\omega$-sequences cofinal in $\alpha$, the simplest being $\langle \omega_1+n:n\in\omega\rangle$, but no increasing $\omega_1$-sequence can be cofinal in $\alpha$.