Construct an equilateral triangle on 2 concentric circles


Construct an equilateral triangle with the given vertex so that the other vertices lie on the concentric circles respectively.

I constructed the triangle, but I don't know how it works. How does this construction work? Is there any proof?

My construction.

Let the smaller circle be $a$, the larger circle $b$, and the point $c$.

  • Step 1: Construct a circle with radius of $b$ at the point $c$.

  • Step 2: The circle will intersect circle $a$ at $2$ points. Let the two points be $x$ and $y$. Construct a perpendicular bisector of the line connecting $x$ and the common centre of circle $a$ and $b$.

  • Step 3: The bisector intersect the circle $a$ at a point which is another vertex of the equilateral triangle.

enter image description here

For more context, this is from the game "Euclidea" level 13.3. Video solutions can be found here.

Best Answer

Task. Given a point $P$ on the plane and two (not necessarily distinct and not necessarily concentric) circles $c$ and $k$, construct an equilateral $PAB$ such that $A$ is a point of $c$ and $B$ is a point of $k$.

enter image description here

Construction. Denote by $c'$ and $k'$ the images of $c$ and $k$, respectively, under the counterclockwise rotation about $P$ by $\dfrac{\pi}{3}$. Suppose that $c$ meets $k'$ at $A$ and $A'$, and that $c'$ meets $k$ at $B''$ and $B'''$. Let $B$, $B'$, $A''$, and $A'''$ be the images of $A$, $A'$, $B''$, and $B'''$ under the clockwise rotation about $P$ by $\dfrac{\pi}{3}$. Then, $PAB$, $PA'B'$, $PA''B''$, and $PA'''B'''$ are equilateral triangles. The number of such triangles can be $0$, $1$, $2$, $3$, and $4$, depending how $c$ and $k$ intersect $c'$ and $k'$.

enter image description here

Explaination. If $PAB$ is a desired triangle, then $A$ is the image of counterclockwise rotation about $P$ by $\theta\in\left\{-\dfrac{\pi}{3},+\dfrac{\pi}{3}\right\}$. If $\theta=+\dfrac{\pi}{3}$, then clearly, $A$ is a point of intersection between $c$ and $k'$. If $\theta=-\dfrac{\pi}{3}$, then $B$ is the point of intersection between $c'$ and $k$.


The OP's construction works when the two circles are concentric. I have not yet found out why. If I know the answer, I will come back to give a proof. For now, I attach a figure showing that the OP's steps do lead to a correct construction.

enter image description here