Constant curvature equivalent to locally symmetric


Is it true that a constant curvature metric on a manifold $M$ is equivalent to a presentation of $M$ as a locally symmetric space
$ M \cong \Gamma \backslash G/H $
where $G/H$ is a symmetric space and $ \Gamma $ a discrete subgroup of $G$?

I believe this is true based on the response of Jason DeVito to my question:

Is every surface locally symmetric?

And for a topological manifold M homeomorphic to a locally symmetric space is there any sense in which the triple $ (\Gamma, G, H) $ is unique? Or can the triple be picked to be minimal in some way? For example pick H connected and G simple or semisimple or simply connected or of minimal dimension etc…

Best Answer

No, for dimension $ >2 $ not every locally symmetric space has constant curvature. In fact it is not even the case that every symmetric space has constant curvature. For example take $ S^2 \times S^1 $, a model for one of the eight Thurston Geometries. The $ S^2 $ is round (constant curvature $ 1 $) while the $ S^1 $ is flat (constant curvature $ 0 $). The space $ S^2 \times S^1 $ is locally symmetric (indeed it is even symmetric since it is a product of symmetric spaces). But $ S^2 \times S^1 $ cannot have constant curvature because there is no way to but the same curvature on the $ S^2 $ piece and the $ S^1 $ piece.

Although not every locally symmetric space has constant curvature, it is the case that every constant curvature space is locally symmetric. Indeed every constant curvature space has a locally isometric universal cover by $ X=G/H $ for either $ X=S^n $ if it has constant positive curvature or $ X=E^n $ if it has $ 0 $ curvature or $ X=H^n $ if it has constant negative curvature. And thus every constant curvature space can be written as a locally symmetric space as $$ \Gamma \backslash G/ H $$ where $ \Gamma $ is a discrete subgroup of isometries acting freely on $ X=G/H $ (here $ G $ is the isometry group of $ X $, and $ X $ is the simply connected symmetric space of the appropriate curvature).

And yes the canonical way to pick $ \Gamma, G, H $ for a given locally symmetric space $ M $ is to take $ X $ to be the unique simply connected symmetric space covering $ M $ then $ G $ is the isometry group of $ X $ and $ H $ is the isotropy group of the action of $ G $ on $ X $ and $ \Gamma $ is the unique subgroup of isometries acting freely on $ X $ that commutes with the universal covering map.

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