Consistency for an iterative method

matricesnumerical linear algebranumerical methodssystems of equations

I've found the following exercise

Let $A$ a positive definite matrix, and $b=[1,\ldots,1]$. Consider also $S=\frac{A+A^T}{2}$ and $H=\frac{A-A^T}{2}$ its symmetric and skew-symmetric part and consider the following iterative method:

(\alpha I +H)x^{k+\frac{1}{2}} = (\alpha I – S)x^k + b \\
(\alpha I +S) x^{k+1} = (\alpha I – H)x^{k+\frac{1}{2}} + b

Is it consistent for every choiche of $\alpha >0$ ?

I start by plugging the solution $x$ in the recurrence

$$(\alpha I + S) x = (\alpha I -H) \Bigl( (\alpha I + H)^{-1}(\alpha I – S)x + (\alpha I+H)^{-1}b \Bigr) + b$$

but I can't go on now, as I have those ugly inverse matrices. Any comment,hint or anything is really appreciated.

Best Answer

Note that $\alpha I+H$ and $\alpha I-H$ commute, so you can write $$ \begin{split} (\alpha I+S)x&=(\alpha I-H)[(\alpha I+H)^{-1}(\alpha I-S)x+(\alpha I+H)^{-1}b]+b\\ &=(\alpha I+H)^{-1}(\alpha I-H)[(\alpha I-S)x+b]+b \end{split} $$ and multiplying with $\alpha I+H$ gives $$ (\alpha I+H)(\alpha I+S)x=(\alpha I-H)(\alpha I-S)x+2\alpha b. $$ Now just expand the products, cancel out extra terms, and divide by $2\alpha$.

EDIT: To show that $$ G:=(\alpha I+S)^{-1}(\alpha I-H)(\alpha I+H)^{-1}(\alpha I-S) $$ is convergent, do the similarity transformation $$ \tilde{G}:=(\alpha I-S)G(\alpha I+S)^{-1} = (\alpha I-H)(\alpha I+H)^{-1}(\alpha I-S)(\alpha I+S)^{-1}. $$ Let $\rho(\cdot)$ be the spectral radius of the argument. You can show that $Q:=(\alpha I-S)(\alpha I+S)^{-1}$ is orthogonal. Let $T:=(\alpha I-H)(\alpha I+H)^{-1}$. We have $$ \rho(G)=\rho(\tilde{G})\leq\|\tilde{G}\|_2=\|TQ\|_2=\|T\|_2=\rho(T). $$

Using an eigen-decomposition of the symmetric $H$, you can then show that $$ \rho(T)=\max_{\lambda\in\lambda(H)}\left|\frac{\alpha-\lambda}{\alpha+\lambda}\right|, $$ which is smaller than one assuming that $H$ is positive definite.

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