Modular Arithmetic – Proving 2023n ? M Given 25n ? M

divisibilitymodular arithmeticsquare-numbers

The question

Consider the set $M=\{a^2+3b^2 | a,b \in N\}$ and $n \in N$ so that $25n \in M$. Prove that $2023n \in M$.

My idea


By using modular arithmetic( a perfect square can be only 0,1,4 congruent modulo 5 ) we get that a and b have the form 5k. (they both divide 5)

Because $25n \in M$ we can also say that $2025n \in M$ and $2000n \in M$ and $5n\in$.

This means that the problem would be solved if we would show that $2n \in M$ or $23 \in M $

I don't know how to start. I hope one of you can help me! Thank you!

Best Answer

Let $a,b \in N$ be such that $a^2+3b^2 = 25n$. Note that $a^2+3b^2 \equiv 0 \pmod{5}$. Since, for any $x$, we have $x^2 \equiv 0, \pm 1 \pmod{5}$, it follows using a case-by-case analysis that $a^2+3b^2 \equiv 0 \pmod{5}$ implies that $a,b \equiv 0 \pmod{5}$.

So $a,b$ are multiples of $5$, and hence $a^2,b^2$ are multiples of $25$. Dividing the previous equation by $25$ we have $\left(\frac{a}{5}\right)^2 + 3\left(\frac{b}{5}\right)^2 = n$.

Next, we note that \begin{align} (a^2+3b^2)(c^2+3d^2) &= a^2c^2+3b^2c^2+3a^2d^2+9b^2d^2 \\ &= (a^2c^2+6abcd+9b^2d^2) + 3(b^2c^2-2abcd+a^2d^2) \\ &= (ac+3bd)^2 + 3(bc-ad)^2. \end{align}

Therefore, to prove that $2023n$ is of the form $x^2+3y^2$ it is sufficient to prove that $2023$ is of that form. However, note that $2023$ can be factorised as $2023 = 289 \times 7$, and $7 = 2^2+3 \times 1^2$. Therefore, $2023 = 34^2 + 3 \times 17^2$, completing the proof.

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