Connected subset of subset is connected in whole space.


Soppose $(X,T)$ is a topological space. Let $Y\subset S\subset X$. Is $Y$ connected in $S$ iff it is connected in $X$.

Possible Proof:

Since $Y$ is connected in S the only closed and open sets in $Y$ under the subspace topology of Y are $Y$ and $\emptyset$. Since the subspace topology is the same under X, Y is connected in X.

Is this proof valid?

Best Answer

You have the right idea, but it could use elucidation, unless you've got other results to which you can refer.

It seems like you're trying to show that, if $A$ is a clopen subset of $Y$ (as a subspace of $X$) then $A=\emptyset$ or $A=Y,$ and you want to use the fact that this is true when considering $Y$ as a subspace of $S.$ That's a nice idea! Here's how I might go about it.

Suppose that $A$ is a subset of $Y$, and that $A$ is clopen in $Y$ (as a subspace of $X$). We show that $A=\emptyset$ or $A=Y.$

Since $A$ is open in $Y$ as a subspace of $X,$ then there is some $U\in\mathcal T$ such that $A=U\cap Y.$ Since $A$ is closed in $Y$ as a subspace of $X,$ then there is some $V\in\mathcal T$ such that $Y\setminus A=V\cap Y.$

Now, since $A\subseteq Y\subseteq S,$ then $A$ is also a subset of $S,$ and so $$A=U\cap Y=U\cap(S\cap Y)=(U\cap S)\cap Y,$$ so $A$ is open in $Y$ as a subspace of $S.$ We similarly have $Y\setminus A=(V\cap S)\cap Y,$ so $A$ is closed in $Y$ as a subspace of $S.$ Since $Y$ is connected as a subspace of $S,$ then $A=\emptyset$ or $A=Y,$ as desired.

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