Conjugation of Gal$(f)$, considered as a subgroup of $S_n$


Given a field $F$ and $f(x) \in F[x]$ a separable polynomial of degree $n$, and denote the roots of $f$ by $\alpha_1,…,\alpha_n$. We can consider the Galois group Gal$(f)$ as a subgroup, $H$, of $S_n$. Keith Conrad states:

"Two different choices for indexing the roots of f(T) can lead to different subgroups of Sn, but they will be conjugate subgroups"


My question is how does one prove the above statement – or in other words; that permutation of $\alpha_1,…,\alpha_n$ is that same as conjugation of $H$ inside $S_n$?

I know that two groups, say $H$, $T$ (where $T$ is a group in $S_n$ which corresponds to permutation of roots of Gal$(f)$), are conjugate inside $S_n$ iff there exist a $\pi\in S_n$ s.t.:
H=\pi T \pi^{-1}

But how does one prove that this equality holds?

Best Answer

The proof of this question is to be found in:

(another paper from Keith Conrad)

More precisely, it follows straight from thr 5.1. in the paper.

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