Conjectures about the greatest common divisor of a vertical column of the pascal triangle.


I was playing around with pascal triangle I noticed an interesting property concerning the greatest common divisor $gcd$ of binomial coefficients along a vertical line. Specifically, the line containing $2$ is the only one where the $\gcd$ of all coefficients is greater than $1$ (namely, $2$).

enter image description here

This made me wonder:

What $n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $\gcd _{k\ge1 }\left\{\binom{n+2k-2}{k}\right\}>1$

I tried every number between $2 $ and $10$ by hand which all failed that made me conjecture that $n=2$ is the only number which has $\gcd _{k\ge1 }\left\{\binom{n+2k-2}{k}\right\}>1$

I wrote a simple python code to test that $2$ is the only number that has this property

for n in range(2,20_001):
    for k in range (2,10_001):
        math.gcd(a, math.comb(n+2*k-2,k))
        if math.gcd(a, math.comb(n+2*k-2,k))==1:
        a=math.gcd(a, math.comb(n+2*k-2,k))
        if k==10_000:

between $2$ and $20,000$ the only number which has this property is 2.

Another interesting thing about this sequence for $n\ne 2$ $\gcd _{1 \le k\le m}\left\{\binom{n+2k-2}{k}\right\}>1$ fail at a power of $2$, in other words the for $ n \ne 2$ $\gcd _{1 \le k\le m}\left\{\binom{n+2k-2}{k}\right\}>1$ will first be broken when $m$ is a power of $2$.

Here is the first 100 $n$ and the first $m$ that $\gcd _{1 \le k\le m}\left\{\binom{n+2k-2}{k}\right\}=1$ in the form "(n,m)"


This sequence is also interesting because of its pattern i.e Three $2$s followed by a power of $2$ greater than $2$.

My questions are:

  1. How to prove that $n=2$ is the only $n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $\gcd _{k\ge1 }\left\{\binom{n+2k-2}{k}\right\}>1$
  2. For $n \ne 2$ how to prove that the first $m \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $\gcd _{1 \le k\le m}\left\{\binom{n+2k-2}{k}\right\}=1$ is always a power of $2$
  3. What is the pattern for such $m$?

With the help of @ronno observation I was able to write a code that checked for all $n \le 10^6$ and none of them had a gcd >1 except 2

Best Answer

Let $n\geq2$ be a positive integer, and consider the sequence $(a_k)_{k\geq1}$ defined by $a_k:=\tbinom{n+2k-2}{k}$. You want to find the least positive integer $m$ such that $$\gcd(a_1,\ldots,a_m)=1.$$ The first two terms of the sequence are $a_1=\tbinom{n}{1}=n$ and $a_2=\tbinom{n+2}{2}=\tfrac12(n+2)(n+1)$, and so $$\gcd(a_1,2a_2)=\gcd(n,2),$$ which already shows that $\gcd(a_1,\ldots,a_k)$ divides $2$ for all $k\geq2$, and in particular, that $m=2$ if $n$ is odd. For even $n$ we see that $m$ is the smallest positive integer such that $a_m$ is odd.

By Lucas' theorem the binomial coefficient $\binom{a}{b}$ is odd if and only if the nonzero digits in the binary expansion of $b$ are also nonzero in the binary expansion of $a$. Then by induction we find that the least $k$ for which $\tbinom{(n-2)+2k}{k}$ is odd is the largest power of $2$ dividing $n-2$.

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