Conjecture: Shallow diagonals in Pascal’s triangle form polynomials whose roots are all real, distinct, and in $(-2,2)$.


Here are the first few "shallow diagonals" in Pascal's triangle.

enter image description here

We can use these shallow diagonals to make polynomials. Note that the even degree polynomials have an extra $\pm x$ at the end.


Here is an explicit description (you can skip this part if you already see the pattern): In the $n$th row of Pascal's triangle (first row is $n=1$), let the leftmost number be the leftmost number of a shallow diagonal. If $n$ is odd, say $2k-1$, call the numbers in this shallow diagonal, from left to right, $a_1, a_3, \dots, a_{2k-1}$, and let $P_{2k-1}(x)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} (-1)^{i-1}a_{2i-1}x^{2(k-i)+1}$. If $n$ is even, say $2k$, call the numbers in this shallow diagonal, from left to right, $a_2, a_4, \dots, a_{2k}$, and let $P_{2k}(x)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} (-1)^{i-1}a_{2i}x^{2(k+1-i)}+(-1)^{k}x$.

Conjecture: For each of these polynomials, all of the roots are real, distinct, and in $(-2,2)$.

Is my conjecture true?

I've been picking random shallow diagonals, and so far I have not found a counter-example. Here are more shallow diagonals, and more even numbered shallow diagonals.

Context: I formulated this conjecture when trying to answer another question of mine: For given $n$, how to find integers $a_0, …, a_n$ so that $\sum_{k=0}^n a_k x^k$ has $n$ distinct real roots and $\sum_{k=0}^n |a_k|$ is minimized?

Best Answer

Ignoring the added $\pm x$ for the even-degree polynomials for now, your polynomials are $x\,U_{n-1}(\tfrac{x}{2})$, where $U_n$ is the degree-$n$ Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind. (See also the Wikipedia article for Fibonacci polynomials, which mentions the shallow diagonals.)

This proves your conjecture for odd $n$, as the roots of $U_{n-1}(\tfrac{x}{2})$ are $2\cos(\frac{k}{n}\pi)$ for $1\le k\le n-1$.

Next, for a monic degree-$n$ polynomial $f(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$, the following are equivalent:

  • All of the roots of $f(x)$ are real and in the interval $[-2, 2]$.
  • All of the roots of $z^n f(z + \frac{1}{z})$ are on the unit circle.
  • All of the roots of $z^n f(z+\frac{1}{z})$ are roots of unity (see this MathOverflow question).

We compute: $$ \begin{align*} P_{2k}(x) &= x\,U_{2k-1}(\tfrac{x}{2}) \pm x\\ z^{2k}P_{2k}(z+\tfrac{1}{z}) &= z^{2k}\cdot (z + \tfrac{1}{z})\cdot \left[U_{2k-1}\left(\frac{z+\tfrac{1}{z}}{2}\right) \pm 1\right] \\ &= z^{2k}\cdot (z + \tfrac{1}{z})\cdot \left[\left(\frac{z^{2k}-\tfrac{1}{z^{2k}}}{z-\tfrac{1}{z}}\right) \pm 1\right] \\ &= (z^2+1)\cdot\left[\frac{z^{4k}-1 \pm (z^{2k+1}-z^{2k-1})}{z^2-1}\right] \\ &= (z^2+1)\cdot\frac{z^{2k-1}\pm 1}{z\pm 1} \cdot\frac{z^{2k+1}\mp 1}{z\mp 1} \tag{$*$} \end{align*} $$ which has all of its roots on the unit circle. The roots of $P_{2k}(x)$ are given by $x = 2\cos\theta$ for each root $z = e^{i\theta}$ of $(*)$. In particular, $z \ne \pm 1$ so all of the roots of $P_{2k}(x)$ are in the open interval $(-2, 2)$.

So your conjecture is true for all $n$.

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