Geometry – Conjecture on Drawing Non-Intersecting Circles from Points

circlesconjecturesdiscrete mathematicsexamples-counterexamplesgeometry

Is the following conjecture true or false:

Given any $2n+1$ coplanar points, we can always draw $n$ non-intersecting circles coplanar with the points, whose diameter endpoints are $2n$ of those points.
We consider tangent circles to be non-intersecting.

This is a generalization of my earlier question about the case $n=2$. That question is currently unanswered. I wonder if it is easier to prove the general case.


Example 1

Another example:

Example 2

I cannot find a counter-example, nor can I prove the conjecture.

I made a generator of seven (pseudo)random points.

(If, instead, we were given $2n$ points, the conjecture would not be true: for example, if the $2n$ points were the vertices of a regular $(2n-1)$-gon plus the centre, then we could not draw $n$ non-intersecting circles.)

Best Answer

No that's not true for $n=3$. Consider 7 points on the complex plane in such location: one at $0$ and other 6 at $0.01\omega^i,\omega^i, i=0,1,2$, where $\omega$ is the 3-th unit root ($-\frac{1}{2}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}i$).