Confusion about the isomorphism between directional derivatives and tangent vectors


A directional derivative $D_v: C^{\infty}(U) \to \mathbb{R}$ is a derivation on $U$ since it is linear and obeys the product rule.

A typical definition of a tangent space at point $p$ on some manifold $M$ is simply the set of all derivations at $p$, and in both Tu and Lee's manifold introduction textbooks they heavily rely on the intuition/notion of a directional derivative to define the tangent space.

If $\mathcal D_p(M)$ is all derivations of $M$ at $p$, then there is an isomorphism between $\mathcal D_p(M)$ and the tangent space $T_p(M)$ of $M$ at $p$. Likewise, we also have that derivations such as directional derivatives $D_v\in \mathcal D_p(M)$ are isomorphic to tangent vectors $v \in T_p(M)$.

What I am confused about is how the definition is seemingly circular. To find a directional derivative $D_v$ we must be able to have a notion of the vector $v$, yet we are using $D_v$ to define $v$ via the isomorphism.

What am I missing?


Best Answer

The tangent space at a point $p$ is not defined via $D_v$ as v ranges over all directions. It is abstractly defined as the space of linear maps $H: C^{\infty}(U) \mapsto \mathbb{R}$ which obey a product rule, i.e. $H(fg)=f(p)H(g)+g(p)H(f)$. Hence, it is not apparent that every such member can be identified with a directional derivative