Confusion about the Constructible Model $L$


In the Constructible Universe $L$, the power set operation $P(X)$ becomes relativized to the definable power set operation $P^L(X)$ of all definable subsets of $X$. But if $X\subset\omega$, then there are only countably many definable subsets of $X$, so we must have $P^L(X)$ countable!?

Something has clearly gone wrong here. We know that $|L_\alpha|=|\alpha|$ for every ordinal, therefore in order for there to be uncountably many subsets of $\omega$ (which we know to be true!) we must have some subsets of $\omega$ with rank at least $\omega_1$. However I don't see how this is possible, as when we apply the relativized power set operation to a set, its rank only increases by one in the Universe $L$. Sorry for being silly, I know I must be overlooking something fundamental here.

Best Answer

Your confusion is rooted by the mistake that being constructible does not mean being definable.

It is true that the constructible hierarchy constructs each step by taking definable subsets. But just because a set is definable over one structure doesn't mean it is definable over a different one. Not to mention, that the definable subset are taken with parameters anyway.

The point, in summary, is that being constructible means that you are definable with parameters over some initial segment of the hierarchy. But since there are many initial segments in which subsets of $\omega$ (or any ordinal) are added, there are uncountably many sets and all is fine.


Also, note that for $\omega$ to have uncountably many subsets, you don't need subsets of $\omega$ with rank at least $\omega_1$, just that for unboundedly many ordinals below $\omega_1$, we add new subsets to $\omega$. This is indeed what happens.

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