Confusion about creating Cayley table for ($\mathbb{Z}_{18}^*,\times)$


On a test I ran into a question about a Cayley table.
The question was "Given the group $(\mathbb{Z}_{18}^*,\times)$, construct the Cayley table."
It also said that this group is sometimes referred to as $(U(18),\cdot)$.

What exactly is the set $\mathbb{Z}_{18}^*$? Because the Wikipedia says it's used as a set of non-zero integers, or non-negative integers. But I've also seen it used as a set of all primes up to 18?

And if I were to create a Cayley table using all primes up to 18, would the following table be the correct result?

× & 1 & 5 & 7 & 11 & 13 & 17 \\ \hline
1 & 1 & 5 & 7 & 11 & 13 & 17 \\ \hline
5 & 5 & 25 & 35 & 55 & 65 & 85 \\ \hline
7 & 7 & 35 & 49 & 77 & 91 & 119 \\ \hline
11 & 11 & 55 & 77 & 121 & 143 & 187 \\ \hline
13 & 13 & 65 & 91 & 143 & 169 & 221 \\ \hline
17 & 17 & 85 & 119 & 187 & 221 & 289 \\ \hline

I realize this is a very basic question, but finding consistent information through Googling has not been fruitful for me.

Best Answer

You listed the 6 relatively primes to $18$, and not the primes, which is correct.

Your Cayley table is also (somewhat) correct, but note that we are working in $\Bbb Z_{18}$, i.e. modulo $18$. That is, you should rather put the remainders of the calculated products modulo $18$.
For example, the last term is $17^2 =289\equiv 1\pmod{18}$ (because $288$ is even and its digits sum to $18$ which is divisible by $9$).

(By the way, if you keep on adding the digits in the numbers in your table until you reach 1 digit, then if the result is odd, it's just the remainder, if it's even, subtract $9$.)

But that's also a consequence of $17\equiv -1\pmod{18}$ (meaning that their difference is divisible by $18$), and that congruent numbers are interchangeable in modular arithmetic, just like equal numbers are so in normal arithmetic (i.e. one has e.g. $a\equiv b\pmod m\implies ac\equiv bc\pmod m$ and thus if also $c\equiv d$, then $ac\equiv bc\equiv bd$.)

So, here is a simplified version of the same Cayley table you wrote, but using smallest absolute value representatives: $$\matrix{\times \\ & 1&5&7&-7&-5&-1\\ & 5&7&-1&1&-7&-5\\ & 7&-1&-5&5&1&-7\\ & -7&1&5&-5&-1&7\\ & -5&-7&1&-1&7&5\\ & -1&-5&-7&7&5&1}$$ You can also observe that $5$ generates this group: keeping multiplying by $5$ we receive the following cycle containing all group elements: $$1\,\mapsto\, 5\,\mapsto \, 7\,\mapsto \, -1\,\mapsto \, -5\,\mapsto \, -7\,\mapsto \, 1\,\mapsto \, \dots $$