Confusion about compactness, relative and sequential compactness


I think I have confused myself a bit with compactness.

For a metric space $X$ and a subset $A$ we have the following:

(i) $X$ compact $\iff$ $X$ sequentially compact
(ii) $X$ compact and $A$ closed $\implies$ $A$ compact
(iii) $A$ relatively compact $\iff$ $A$ relatively sequentially compact

Let's consider $A$ metric space on its own: (i) would imply that $A$ is compact iff $A$ is sequentially compact which, since $A$ is closed in $A$, is equivalent to $A$ being relatively sequetially compact. So let $A$ be sequentially compact. Than $A$ is compact which means that

  1. for all open covers $\bigcup_{j\in J}U_{j}=A$ there exists finite subcovers (note that $U_{j}\subseteq A$).

However, $A$ being compact as a subset of the metric space $X$ means that

  1. for all open covers $\bigcup_{i\in I}O_{i}\supseteq A$ there exist finite subcovers (note that this time $O_{i}$ doesn't necessarily have to be a subset of $A$).

Clearly, 1 and 2 are not equivalent.

Question 1: Which one of the two (1 or 2) follow from the fact that $A$ is sequentially compact?

Question 2: By (iii) and (i), $A$ being sequentially compact would imply that $A$ is compact and relatively compact. So relative compactness and compactness would be the same thing in metric spaces.

Question 3: Finally, for a subset $A$ of a metric space $X$, is compactness the same as sequential compactness?

Best Answer

Be careful: relative compactness is not an “absolute” concept. Similarly for relative sequential compactness.

For instance, $A=\mathbb{Q}\cap[0,1]$ is relatively compact as a subspace of $\mathbb{R}$, but it's not compact.

You cannot extract finite subcovers of $A$ from open covers of $A$ with open sets in $A$ (which aren't open in $\mathbb{R}$).

To the contrary, compactness is an absolute concept. A subspace $C$ is compact as a subspace if and only if it is compact as a space by itself (with the relative topology or induced metric, if you're bound to metric spaces). Try and write a proof of this.

In metric spaces, compactness and sequential compactness are the same, because each point has a countable basis of neighborhoods.

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