Confused about Serge Lang’s proof of hermitian operator has real eigenvalue.

linear algebra

On Serge Lang's linear algebra page 225:

Theorem 5.1: Let $A:V\to V$ be a hermitian operator. Then every eigenvalue of $A$ is real.

Proof: Let $v$ be an eigenvector with an eigenvalue $\lambda$. By Theorem 2.4 of Chapter VII we know that $<Av,v>$ is real. Since $Av=\lambda v$, we find $<Av,v>=\lambda <v,v>$. But $<v,v>$ is real $>0$ by assumption. Hence $\lambda$ is real, thus proving the theorem.

Theorem 2.4 Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space over the complex numbers. Let $A$ be an operator such that $<Av,v>=0$ for all $v\in V$. Then $A =o$.

I don't understand why Theorem 2.4 can prove that $<Av,v>$ is real, and what assumption makes $<v,v>$ real.

(There're some proofs of the title much easier to understand, for example, but I just can't understand the specific proof method which Lang use.)

Best Answer

if $v \neq 0$ is an eigenvector, then $||v||^{2} = \langle v | v \rangle >0$ (from the definition of an inner product), and $\lambda \langle v | v\rangle = \langle \lambda v | v\rangle = \langle Av | v \rangle = \langle v | Av \rangle = \langle v | \lambda v\rangle = \lambda ^{*} \langle v | v \rangle $, and since $\langle v | v\rangle \neq 0 $ we get $\lambda = \lambda^{*}$ so $\lambda$ is real.

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