Conformal mapping form triangle region to disk


I have the following problem, let $D$ be:


Then the question is: Does it exists a real number $R\in\mathbb{R}$ so that there is a conformal mapping, $f$ between $D$ and $D(0,R)$ so that
$f(\frac{1}{2})=0$ and $f'(\frac{1}{2})=1$.

Since both regions are simply connected is quite clear that a conformal mapping exits, and that by scaling this conformal mapping we can get the condition on $f'$ satisfied. However, I don't know how to calculate this map.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

$f_1(z) = 1/z^4$ maps $D$ conformally onto $D_1 = \Bbb C \setminus (-\infty , 1]$, with $f_1(1/2) = 16$.

Then $f_2(z) = \sqrt{z-1}$ maps $D_1$ conformally onto the right halfplane (with the principal value of the square root), with $f_2(16) = \sqrt {15}$.

Finally, $f_3(z) = (z-\sqrt {15})/(z + \sqrt {15})$ maps the right halfplane conformally onto the unit disk, with $f_3(\sqrt {15}) = 0$.

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