Confidence Interval Intuition Conflict

confidence intervalnormal distributionprobabilityprobability distributionssampling

I am trying to understand confidence interval CI, from simplest article I could find about it. I got to an extent and then stuck at crucial moment. Suppose if we decide confidence level we want is 95%, then

95% of all "95% Confidence Intervals" will include the true mean.

This is usually many people infer wrong (assuming a confidence interval says that there is 95% chance that true mean lies within it). I could avoid this trap by focusing on above highlighted sentence. However, when I dig step by step, I get caught, how it could be the case.

  1. Suppose I have a population distribution $Y$ with $\mu$ and $\sigma$. For brevity let it be already normal.
  2. I take 1st sample set of size $n$, denoted by $n1$, described by random variable $X_1 = {x_1,x_2,\cdots, x_{n1}}$, samples picked from population. I find mean $\overline{X_1} = \frac{x_1 + x_2 + \cdots + x_{n1}}{n1}$ and variance $S_1$. For a moment, lets say its normal.
  3. Similary 2nd sample set of size $n$, denoted by $n2$, described by random variable $X_2 = {x_1,x_2,\cdots, x_{n2}}$, samples picked from population. I find mean $\overline{X_2} = \frac{x_1 + x_2 + \cdots + x_{n2}}{n2}$ and variance $S_2$. Again we assume its normal.

I decide I want confidence level of 95%.

  1. If I transfer my population distribution to Z standard deviation, then 95% area occurs at $Z= \pm 1.96$. Since $Z = \dfrac {Y-\mu}{\sigma}$, in original population distribution, 95% data points fall within $Y = \mu \pm 1.96\sigma$.
    \color{blue}{\Pr(\mu-1.96\sigma < Y < \mu+1.96\sigma) = 0.95} \tag{1}
  2. If I transfer my sample set n1 to Z standard (caz assuming its normal), again, 95% of $n1$ data points fall within $\overline{X_1} \pm 1.96S_1$
    \color{blue}{\Pr(\overline{X_1}-1.96S_1 < X_1 < \overline{X_1}+1.96S_1) = 0.95} \tag{2}
  3. If I transfer my sample set $n2$ to Z standard, again, 95% of $n2$ data points fall within $\overline{X_2} \pm 1.96S_2$
    \color{blue}{\Pr(\overline{X_2}-1.96S_2 < X_2 < \overline{X_2}+1.96S_2) = 0.95} \tag{3}
  4. Obviously, I would take many sample sets $n3,n4,n5, \cdots nk$ so my eventual sampling distribution of sample means, described by random variable $X$, would be normal, with mean $\overline{X} \rightarrow \mu$ and standard deviation, $S \rightarrow \dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$
    \color{blue}{\Pr(\overline{X}-1.96S < X < \overline{X}+1.96S = 0.95} \tag{4}
    \color{blue}{\Pr(\mu-1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} < X < \mu+1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}) = 0.95} \tag{5}

My questions:

  1. Each sample set $n_k$ has its own interval derived from its mean $\overline{X_k}$ and variance $S_k$. How come when I take many of them, suddenly we would say, 95% of all those individual confidence intervals will contain true population mean $\mu$? What is the missing link here?Below is my derivation, is it correct and can we say because of that, it is thus proved, 95% CIs will have $\mu$?

From eq. $5$,
$\Pr(\mu-1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} < X < \mu+1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}) = 0.95$

Adding $-\mu$ on both sides of inequalities,..
$\Pr(-\mu + \mu-1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} < -\mu + X < -\mu + \mu+1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}) = 0.95$
$\Pr(-1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} < X – \mu < 1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}) = 0.95$

Adding $-X$ on both sides of inequalities..
$\Pr(-X-1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} < -X+X – \mu < -X+1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}) = 0.95$
$\Pr(-X-1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} < – \mu < -X+1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}) = 0.95$

Multiplying by $-1$ on both sides of inequalities..
$\Pr(X+1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} > \mu > X-1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}) = 0.95$

This is same as,..
\Pr(X-1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} < \mu < X+1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}) = 0.95 \tag{6}

Eq. $6$ simply means, when we take enormous no of samples to arrive at sampling distribution of sample means described by $X$, probability of $\mu$ within intervals $X \pm 1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$ is 95%.
Also, 95% of sample mean values $\overline{X_k}$ values fall within this same interval $X \pm 1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$.
Because of this can we also say, the 95% of CIs associated with $\overline{X_k}$ also fall within this same interval $X \pm 1.96\dfrac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$?
I think am also approaching with a narrowing missing link. Kindly help here.

  1. Since there are many sample sets to be calculated to arrive at sampling distribution, do we divide by $n$ or $n-1$ (unbiased), for each sample set? (as they will influence CI calculation)

  2. What happens to above questions, when I do not have normal distribution to start with for population ? (Instead say, random or uniform or bernoulli). The eventual sampling distribution might be normal, but we are talking about few sample sets in the beginning for which we calculate confidence intervals for. I ask this, because intermediate Z transformation I said earlier would not be possible, as those sample sets may not have normal distribution.

Best Answer

While the article you refer to correctly defines the concept of confidence interval (your highlighted text) it does not correctly treat the case of a normal distribution with unknown standard deviation. You may want to search "Neyman confidence interval" to see an approach that produces confidence intervals with the property you highlighted.

The Neyman procedure selects a region containing 95% of outcomes, for each true value of the parameter of interest. The confidence interval is the union of all parameter values for which the observation is within the selected region. The probability for the observation to be within the selected region for the true parameter value is 95%, and only for those observations, will the confidence interval contain the true value. Therefore the procedure guarantees the property you highlight.

If the standard deviation is known and not a function of the mean, the Neyman central confidence intervals turn out to be identical to those described in the article.

Thank you for the link to Neyman's book - interesting to read from the original source! You ask for a simple description, but that is what my second paragraph was meant to be. Perhaps a few examples will help illustrate: Example 1 and 1b could be considered trivial, whereas 2 would not be handled correctly by the article you refer to.

Example 1. Uniform random variable. Let X follow a uniform distribution, $$f(x)=1/2 {\mathrm{\ \ for\ \ }}\theta-1\le x\le \theta+1 $$ and zero otherwise. We can make a 100% confidence interval for $\theta$ by considering all possible outcomes $x$, given $\theta$, ie. $x \in [\theta-1,\theta+1]$. Now consider an observed value, $x_0$. The union of all possible values of $\theta$ for which $x_0$ is a possible outcome is $[x_0-1,x_0+1]$. That is the 100% confidence interval for $\theta$ for this problem.

Example 1b. Uniform random variable. Let X follow the same uniform distribution. We can make a 95% central confidence interval for $\theta$ by selecting the 95% central outcomes $x$, given $\theta$, ie. $x \in [\theta-0.95,\theta+0.95]$. Now consider an observed value, $x_0$. The union of all possible values of $\theta$ for which $x_0$ is within the selected range is $[x_0-0.95,x_0+0.95]$. That is the 95% confidence interval for $\theta$ for this problem.

Example 2. Uniform random variable. Let X follow a uniform distribution, $$f(x)=1/\theta {\mathrm{\ \ for\ \ }}{1\over2}\theta \le x \le {3\over2}\theta $$ and zero otherwise. We can make a 100% confidence interval for $\theta$ by considering all possible outcomes $x$, given $\theta$, ie. $x \in [{1\over2}\theta,{3\over2}\theta]$. Now consider an observed value, $x_0$. The union of all possible values of $\theta$ for which $x_0$ is a possible outcome is $[{2\over3}x_0,2x_0]$. That is the 100% confidence interval for $\theta$ for this problem. (You can confirm this by inserting the endpoints of the confidence interval into the pdf and see they are at the boundaries of the pdf). Note that the central confidence interval is not centered on the point estimate for $\theta$, $\hat\theta = x_0$.

Example 3. Normal distribution with mean $\theta$ and standard deviation $1$. The 68% central confidence interval would be constructed identically to example 1, that is the selected region for $X$ would be $[\theta-1,\theta+1]$. The 68% central confidence interval is therefore the same as in Example 1, $[x_0-1,x_0+1]$. You can extend this to 95% and arbitrary KNOWN standard deviation $\sigma$ to be $[x_0-1.96\sigma,x_0+1.96\sigma]$.

Example 4. Normal distribution with mean $\theta$ and standard deviation $\theta/2$. The 68% central confidence interval would be constructed identically to example 2. The 68% central confidence interval for $\theta$ is therefore the same as in Example 2, $[{2\over3}x_0,2x_0]$.

The authors of the article you refer to and the other commenters to your question would not get Example 2 or 4 right. Only following a procedure like Neyman's will the confidence interval have the property that you highlighted in your post. The other methods are approximations for the general problem of building confidence intervals.

The exact solution to the problem with a normal distribution and UNKNOWN standard deviation is more difficult to work out than the examples above.

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