Cone over $X$, equivalence relation


I have a question about the definition of the cone over $X$.

If $X$ is a space, define an equivalence relation $X\times [0,1]$ by $(x,t)\sim (x',t')$ if $t=t'=1$. Denote the equivalence class of $(x,t)$ by $[x,t]$. The cone over $X$, denoted by $CX$, is the quotient space $X\times [0,1]/\sim$.

I acutally do not get this definition of the equivalence relation….
Sure, two points $(x,t), (x',t')$ are equivalent if $t=t'=1$.
But which points are equivalent to (for example) $(x,\tfrac12)$? The relation does not tell anything about the cases when $t\neq 1$ or $t\neq t'$, which feels incomplete. But I think I am doing a horrible mistake here.

How does this relation include every pair $(x,t)\in X\times [0,1]$, when the relation is only defined for $t=1$?

I am currently studying "Introduction to algebraic topology" by Joseph J. Rotman.
An exercise goes as follows:

For fixed $t$ with $0\leq t<1$, prove that $x\mapsto [x,t]$ defines a homeomorphism from a space $X$ to a subspace of $CX$.

Which revealed my misunderstanding.

So I am not understanding which equivalence classes there are.
For every point $(x,t)$ with $t\neq 0$, the equivalcence class should just contain this one point.

Can you elaborate more?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

When discussing equivalence relations, one often uses the following fact of set theory:

For every relation $R \subset X \times X$ on a set $X$ there is a unique smallest equivalence relation $E \subset X \times X$ on the set $X$ such that $xRy \implies x E y$. This equivalence relation $E$ is the intersection (in $X \times X$) of all equivalence relations $S$ which have the property $x R y \implies x S y$. We say that $E$ is the equivalence relation generated by $R$.

You can construct $E$ rather concretely. First take the reflexive closure, by adding all pairs $(x,x) \in X \times X$ to the relation $R$. Then take the symmetric closure, by adding all pairs $(y,x)$ for which $(x,y)$ is already in the relation. Finally take the transitive closure: for all sequences $x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n$ such that each of the pairs $(x_0,x_1), (x_1,x_2), ..., (x_{n-1},x_n)$ is already in the relation, add $(x_0,x_n)$ to the relation.

So, when you get an equivalence relation on a set (such as $X \times [0,1]$) which appears to only be partially defined, what you are supposed to do is to use that partial definition to define a relation $R$ on the set, and then you should take the equivalence relation generated by $R$.

In particular, since the point $(x,1/2) \in X \times [0,1]$ has not even been mentioned in the definition of $R$, it will follow that point $(x,1/2)$ is the only point in its equivalence class, i.e. its equivalence class is $\{(x,1/2)\}$.

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