Conditions under which the torsion subgroup of an abelian group is a direct summand.


Hi: Let $T$ be the torsion-subgroup of an abelian group $G$. If $T$ is the direct sum of a divisible group and a bounded group, then T is a direct summand of $G$.

The author says "This follows easily from 4.1.3 and 4.3.8".

4.1.3 A divisible subgroup is a direct summand.

4.3.8 A pure bounded subgroup of an abelian group is a direct summand.

Suppose $T=0\oplus B$ where $B$ is bounded. Of course $0$, the trivial subgroup of $G$, is divisible. Then $T$ is bounded. How do I apply 4.3.8 to prove $T$ is a direct summand of $G$?

Note: bounded group = group of bounded order.

Best Answer

For your example, $T$ is bounded, so to apply 4.3.8, it suffices to show $T$ is pure.

Let $t\in T$, and suppose $n{\,\mid\,}t$ in $G$.

We want to show $n{\,\mid\,}t$ in $T$.

Since $n{\,\mid\,}t$ in $G$, we have $t=ng$ for some $g\in G$.

Since $t\in T$, we have $mt=0$ for some positive integer $m$, so $$(mn)g=m(ng)=mt=0$$ hence $g\in T$

Thus $n{\,\mid\,}t$ in $T$, so $T$ is pure.

Now consider the general case . . .

Thus suppose $T=D\,{\large{\oplus}}B$, where $D$ is divisible and $B$ is bounded.

Our goal is to show that $T$ is a direct summand of $G$.

Since $D$ is divisible, it follows by 4.1.3 that $G=D\,{\large{\oplus}}H$ for some $H\le G$.

Let $S$ be the torsion subgroup of $H$.

Since $B$ is bounded, we have $mB=0$ for some positive integer $m$.

Let $s\in S$.

Clearly $s\in T$ so $s=d+b$, where $d\in D$ and $b\in B$.$\;$Then \begin{align*} & s=d+b\\[4pt] \implies\;& ms=md+mb\\[4pt] \implies\;& ms=md\\[4pt] \implies\;& ms\in D\\[4pt] \implies\;& ms=0\;\;\;\text{[since $ms\in S\subseteq H$ and $D\cap H=0$]}\\[4pt] \end{align*} Thus $mS=0$ so $S$ is bounded.

Since $S$ is the torsion subgroup of $H$, it follows (as in the first part of this post) that $S$ is pure in $H$, hence since $S$ is bounded, it follows by 4.3.8 that $S$ is a direct summand of $H$.

Thus we have $H=S\,{\large{\oplus}}K$ for some $K\le H$, hence we can rewrite $G=D\,{\large{\oplus}}H$ as $G=D\,{\large{\oplus}}S\,{\large{\oplus}}K$.

Claim $T=D\,{\large{\oplus}}S$.

The inclusion $D\,{\large{\oplus}}S\subseteq T$ is clear.

For the reverse inclusion, let $t\in T$.

Since $G=D\,{\large{\oplus}}S\,{\large{\oplus}}K$, we have $t=d+s+k$, where $d\in D$, $s\in S$, and $k\in K$.

Then from $k=t-d-s$, it follows that $k$ has finite order, hence $k=0$.

Thus $t=d+s\in D\,{\large{\oplus}}S$, which yields $T\subseteq D\,{\large{\oplus}}S$.

Hence $T=D\,{\large{\oplus}}S$, as claimed.

Then we can rewrite $G=D\,{\large{\oplus}}S\,{\large{\oplus}}K$ as $S=T\,{\large{\oplus}}K$, so $T$ is a direct summand of $G$ as was to be shown.