Conditions under which a $2\times2$ block matrix has complex eigenvalues

block matriceseigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatrices

Consider a matrix $A$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$:

0 & -c \\
1 & -b

Then it can be shown that the matrix has complex eigenvalues if $b^2-4c < 0$. Can a similar relation be derived also for the elements of a similarly shaped 2×2 block matrix, ie:

0_n & -C \\
I_n & -B

where $B, C$ are matrices in $\mathbb{R}^n$, such that $\lambda_M$ are complex?

Best Answer

First we note that the elements $(2,1)$ and $(2,2)$ of matrix $M$ commute. Then we consider:

\begin{equation} (\lambda I_{2n}-M)v = 0 \end{equation}

which is the eigenvalue problem of $M$. The equation admits a solution $v \neq 0$ when $|\lambda I_{2n}-M| = 0$, so we resort to computing the determinant of the characteristic matrix:

\begin{equation} \begin{bmatrix} \lambda I_n & -C \\ I_n & \lambda I_n + B \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}

We assume that $(1,1)$ is invertible, i.e., that $0$ is not an eigenvalue of $M$. Then since $I_n$ commutes with any matrix, we can write:

\begin{equation} |\lambda I_{2n} - M| = |\lambda ( \lambda I_n + B) + C | = |\lambda^2 I_n + \lambda B + C| = 0 \end{equation}

This is a Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem and has been intensively studied. Particularly, in (Tisseur, 2001), properties of the solutions $\lambda$ have been given in terms of the coefficient matrices $M, C, K$ of $\lambda^2 M + \lambda C + K = 0$. When the three matrices are Hermitian, then the eigenvalues are some solutions of:

\begin{equation} \lambda = \frac{-c(x) \pm \sqrt{c(x)^2 - 4k(x)m(x)}}{2m(x)} \end{equation}

with $m(x) = x^*Mx,c(x) = x^*Cx, k(x) = x^*Kx$. Then in this case it can be seen that a sufficient, but not necessary condition for $\lambda$ to be complex is that $c(x)^2 < 4k(x)m(x)$ $\forall x$, which in our case reduces to

\begin{equation}b(x)^2 < 4c(x) \text{ } \forall x\end{equation}

with $b(x) = x^* B x, c(x) = x^* C x$ (pay attention to the different meaning of $c(x)$ in the problem of Tisseur and the answer's problem).

If $B, C$ are Hermitian (which, being them real, implies symmetry), then $\lambda_{C,n} \leq c(x) \leq \lambda_{C,1}$ and $\min(|\lambda_{B}|)^2 \leq b(x)^2 \leq \max(|\lambda_{B}|)^2$, so a (very) broad sufficient condition is that:

\begin{equation} \min(\lambda_C) > \bigg(\frac{\max(|\lambda_{B}|)}{2}\bigg)^2 \end{equation}

If they are not Hermitian, then the same condition can be stated in terms of their symmetric parts since $b(x) = x^*Bx = \frac12 x^*(B+B^T)x$ and similarly for $c(x)$.

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