Conditions for Muirhead’s inequality hold for cyclic sums


I know that Muirhead's inequality apply only for symmetrical sums, but all inequalities with cyclic sums I have seen have the sequence in the greater side majorizing the sequence in the smaller side (what is necessary for Muirhead's inequality hold for symmetrical sums).
Also I couldn't find any counter-example that shows Muirhead's inequality doesn't hold for cyclic sums, so I wonder if the conditions for Muirhead's inequality hold in a cyclic sum are known, because if they are known, and easier to check than to prove a "hard" inequality then it would make way easier to prove a lot of other inequalities.

Best Answer

For a cyclic sum the majorization is not enough.

For example, for non-negative variables $(3,2,0)\succ(3,1,1)$ but the inequality $$a^3b^2+b^3c^2+c^3a^2\geq a^3bc+b^3ac+c^3ab$$ is wrong.

Try $a\rightarrow+\infty$ and $b^2-bc<0$.

By the way, there is the following way to prove of the Murhead's type cyclic inequalities.

We'll prove that $$\sum_{cyc}a^5b^2\geq \sum_{cyc}a^4b^2c$$ for non-negative variables.

Indeed, by AM-GM $$\sum_{cyc}a^5b^2=\frac{1}{19}\sum_{cyc}(14a^5b^2+2b^5c^2+3c^5a^2)\geq\sum_{cyc}\sqrt[19]{\left(a^5b^2\right)^{14}\left(b^5c^2\right)^2\left(c^5a^2\right)^3}=\sum_{cyc}a^4b^2c.$$ Vasile Cirtoaje was first, which proved that if this way does not work, so the inequality is wrong.

For example, we'll try to prove that $$\sum_{cyc}a^3b^2\geq \sum_{cyc}a^3bc$$ by this way.

We'll try to find values of $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ such that $\alpha+\beta+\gamma=1$ and the inequality $$\alpha a^3b^2+\beta b^3c^2+\gamma c^3a^2\geq a^3bc$$ would be true by AM-GM.

Indeed, by AM-GM $$\alpha a^3b^2+\beta b^3c^2+\gamma c^3a^2\geq a^{3\alpha+2\gamma}b^{2\alpha+3\beta}c^{2\beta+3\gamma}$$ and we obtain the following system:

$3\alpha+2\gamma=3,$ $2\alpha+3\beta=1$ and $\alpha+\beta+\gamma=1$, which gives $$(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)=\left(\frac{5}{7},-\frac{1}{7},\frac{3}{7}\right)$$ and since $-\frac{1}{7}<0$, this way does not give a proof, which says that the inequality is wrong.