Conditionally convergent integral


It is known that in a conditionally convergent series, the terms can be rearranged so as to output any desired value. Thus, a conditionally convergent series is said to be undefined.

My question is about the following integral:
$\int\limits_{ – \infty }^\infty {{{\sin \left( x \right)} \over x}dx} $

It's known that this integral is conditionally convergent: it converges, but no absolutely.

Can one say that if ${a_n}\buildrel {n \to \infty } \over
\longrightarrow \infty $
and ${b_n}\buildrel {n \to \infty } \over
\longrightarrow – \infty $
that the value of
$$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \int\limits_{{b_n}}^{{a_n}} {{{\sin \left( x \right)} \over x}dx} $$
depends on the choice of the sequences ${a_n},{b_n}$ ?

I have experimented a bit in wolfram alpha but no matter what I tried, the result was $\pi $.

I do remember hearing and in fact I've read also here:

Is there a rearrangement theorem for conditionally convergent improper integrals?

That the value of the conditionally convergent integral depends on the rearrangement.

Best Answer

The limit is $\pi$ irrespective of what those sequences are. It is a standard fact that $\lim _{t\to \infty}\int_0^{t} \frac {\sin \, x} x \, dx=\pi/2$ from which my claim follows.

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