Condition for $x^4-18x^2+4dx+9=0$ has four real roots


Prove that if $x^4-18x^2+4dx+9=0$ has four real roots, Then $d^4 \le 1728$

My try:

obviously the equation should have two unequal negative roots and two repeated positive roots OR vice versa.

Choosing first case here is the rough sketch:
enter image description here

Let the two negative roots are $-p_1, -p_2$ and repeated positive root be $p_3$

where $p_1,p_2,p_3 \gt 0$

Thus we have the polynomial identity as:


Comparing coefficients we get:

$$p_1+p_2=2p_3 \tag{1}$$



From $(2)$ and$ (3)$ we get:


we get:


Since $p_3 \gt 0$ we get


Using $(4)$ we get:


From this we get a unique value of $d$

But how proof is to be done, what went wrong in my analysis?

Best Answer

Your approach can be made rigorous. Let $P_d(x)=x^4-18x^2+4dx+9$. The sum of the roots of $P_d$ is $0$ and the product is $9$, so if all the roots are real, there must be two positive roots and two negative roots. Now if you can find a value $a$ such that $P_a$ has a positive double root, it follows that $P_a(x)\geq 0$ for all $x\geq 0$ (since by considering the sum and product of the roots, there can be no other positive roots, so $P_a$ never changes sign on $[0,\infty)$). It follows that for any $d>a$, $P_{d}(x)>0$ for all $x\geq 0$, so $P_{d}$ cannot have any positive roots and thus $P_{d}$ cannot have four real roots. Similarly, if you can find $b$ such that $P_b$ has a negative double root, then $P_d$ cannot have four real roots for any $d<b$.

To conclude that $d^4\leq 1728$ whenever $P_d$ has four real roots, then, it suffices to show there is a positive double root when $d=\sqrt[4]{1728}$ and a negative double root when $d=-\sqrt[4]{1728}$. You have already done most of the work of the first statement; the value of $d$ you have found is $\sqrt[4]{1728}$ so you just have to show there really do exist $p_1$ and $p_2$ that work with $p_3=\sqrt{3+2\sqrt{3}}$ and $d=\sqrt[4]{1728}$ (which essentially amounts to observing that your equations $(1)$ and $(2)$ say $p_1$ and $p_2$ are the roots of a certain quadratic determined by $p_3$, so given $p_3$ you can always find such $p_1$ and $p_2$). You can then do a similar analysis in the case of a negative double root.

Alternatively, you can simply compute the discriminant of $P_d$ which turns out to be $6912(1728-d^4)$ so $P_d$ has a repeated root for $d=\pm\sqrt[4]{1728}$. We could check that the double root is positive for $d=\sqrt[4]{1728}$ and negative for $d=-\sqrt[4]{1728}$, but we actually don't need to. Indeed, suppose that $P_{\sqrt[4]{1728}}$ does not have a positive double root. Then it has either a nonreal double root or a negative double root. If $P_{\sqrt[4]{1728}}$ has a nonreal double root, then $P_{\sqrt[4]{1728}}$ has no real roots so it is always positive, and so the same reasoning as in the first paragraph shows that $P_d$ does not have four real roots for any $d>\sqrt[4]{1728}$. If $P_{\sqrt[4]{1728}}$ had a negative double root, then $P_d$ would have no negative roots for all $d<\sqrt[4]{1728}$, and in particular $P_{-\sqrt[4]{1728}}$ would have no negative roots. Thus the double root of $P_{-\sqrt[4]{1728}}$ would have to be positive or nonreal, and in either case as above we conclude that $P_d$ does not have four real roots for any $d>-\sqrt[4]{1728}$. We thus conclude that no matter what sort of double root $P_{\sqrt[4]{1728}}$ has, $P_d$ does not have four real roots for any $d>\sqrt[4]{1728}$. Similar reasoning shows $P_d$ does not have four real roots for any $d<-\sqrt[4]{1728}$.

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