Condition for the tensor product functor $(-)\otimes B$ of chain complexes to be exact


I am interested in the unbounded case and looking for sufficient conditions on the modules of the complex or the ring for this to hold. Or even restricting the functor to some unbounded subcategory.

We know that since $(-) \otimes B$ is a left adjoint functor it preserves colimits and hence is right exact. That is given an short exact sequence
0 \to X \to Y \to Z\to 0,

of chain complexes $X,Y,Z$ over some ring $R$ we get an exact sequence
X\otimes B \to Y \otimes B \to Z\otimes B \to 0.

The question then comes down to if the map $X\otimes B \to Y\otimes B$ is a degreewise injection.
Or put differently, conditions for monomorphisms to be preserved under $(-)\otimes B$.

If we look at the full category of chain complexes a necessary conditions on $B$ would be flatness in each degree but as shown in the question linked it is not sufficient.

In particular I am wondering if it would hold:

  • Over a field $R=k$
  • In the full subcategory of chain complexes with free or projective modules.

Edit: My original post also contained the the following but as pointed out in the comments it is different to my question.
"In the question
"Flat chain complex"? sufficient conditions in term of bounded complexes are given."

Best Answer

Being flat in each degree is a necessary and sufficient condition.

The point is that the differentials of $B$, $X$, $Y$ and $Z$, and their grading by degree, are irrelevant.

Given a chain complex of modules $C$ with components $C_i$ ($i\in\mathbb{Z}$), let $\widetilde{C}$ denote the single module $\bigoplus_{i\in\mathbb{Z}}C_i$. Then $C\mapsto\widetilde{C}$ is a functor from complexes to modules.

Also, $\widetilde{C\otimes D}=\widetilde{C}\otimes\widetilde{D}$, and a sequence $0\to C\to D\to E\to0$ of complexes is exact if and only if $0\to \widetilde{C}\to \widetilde{D}\to \widetilde{E}\to0$ is exact.

So $0\to X\otimes B\to Y\otimes B\to Z\otimes B\to0$ is exact if and only if $0\to \widetilde{X}\otimes \widetilde{B}\to \widetilde{Y}\otimes \widetilde{B}\to \widetilde{Z}\otimes \widetilde{B}\to0$ is exact, which is the case for all short exact sequences $0\to X\to Y\to Z\to0$ if and only if $\widetilde{B}$ is flat, which is the case if and only if $B$ is flat in each degree.