Concerning the inequality from Kolmogorov’s continuity theorem.

cauchy-schwarz-inequalityintegral-inequalityprobability theoryreal-analysisstochastic-processes

Let $\mathbb{I}\subset[0,\infty)$ be a compact interval. We call a stochastic process $Y=(Y_t)_{t\in\mathbb{I}}$ Kolmogorov-continuous if

$$\exists\,\alpha, \beta, C>0 \quad \text{ such that } \quad \mathbb{E}|Y_t – Y_s|^\alpha \leq C|t-s|^{1+\beta}\quad \text{for each } s,t\in\mathbb{I}.$$

Given an an $\mathbb{R}^d$-valued process $Y=(Y^1_t, \cdots, Y^d_t)_{t\in\mathbb{I}}$ whose coordinate processes $(Y^i_t)_{t\in\mathbb{I}}$ are mutually independent and each Kolmogorov-continuous, does it hold that that $Y$ is also Kolmogorov-continuous?

(I thought that this is true and shouldn't be too difficult to prove, but the obvious attempts using Jensen's and Hölder's inequality didn't work out..) It'd be happy to see a counterexample if the above assertion is in fact wrong.

Best Answer

One crude approach is to note that, writing $\|\cdot\|$ for the Euclidean norm on $\mathbb{R}^d$, we have $\|X\| \le d^{1/2} \max_i |X^i|$, and therefore $$\|Y_t - Y_s\|^\alpha \le d^{\alpha/2} \max_i |Y_t^i - Y_s^i|^\alpha \le d^{\alpha/2} \sum_i |Y_t^i - Y_s^i|^\alpha$$ and thus $$\mathbb{E} \|Y_t-Y_s\|^\alpha \le d^{\alpha/2} \sum_i \mathbb{E}|Y_t^i - Y_s^i|^\alpha \le C d^{\alpha/2} \sum_i |t-s|^{1+\beta} \le C d^{1+\alpha/2} |t-s|^{1+\beta}$$ so that $Y$ is Kolmogorov-continuous with parameters $\alpha, \beta, Cd^{1+\alpha/2}$ (the latter is probably not the best constant).

The independence is not needed.

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